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Bravery medal of St Georges

Article about: Hello, Can you please help? I recently came across this Russian medal of st Georges. It was created in 1913 and is paralele to the St Georges cross. The cross is well documented. It is harde

  1. #1

    Default Bravery medal of St Georges


    Can you please help?
    I recently came across this Russian medal of st Georges. It was created in 1913 and is paralele to the St Georges cross.

    The cross is well documented. It is harder to get detail on the medal and I am still wondering what is the distiction between the 2.
    Both seems to be for Bravery for Warant officier, and soldiers. The medal s ssems to be also availabe to sailors.
    It sems these medals were also grabted to foreign military (French/english).

    Any advise or comment welcom.

    I also need your expertise to tellme if the below medal is genuin or not.
    The medal is of the 3d class, number 56656.
    I found a lot of exemples of the first and fours categories but only one of the 3d category. Are they more rare?

    The Kolodka is also strange to me as it looks like the one done post 1944 and in a low quality.

    I hope you will get some insight.

    I wish you a great day


    Bravery medal of St Georges

    Bravery medal of St Georges

    Bravery medal of St Georges

  2. #2


    Here's a page with some info: Медаль "За храбрость" 3 степени Scroll down for a link to the history of this award.

    The suspension looks like a standard issue Soviet brass suspension, albeit strangely colored.

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