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Russian Imperial Army canteens

Article about: Wooden canteen Mod. 1882/1885 (In 1885, in the design of canteen Mod. 1882 has been amended - hoops at the top and bottom sides are fastened together by metal bands, and funnel and stopper b

  1. #1

    Default Russian Imperial Army canteens

    Wooden canteen Mod. 1882/1885 (In 1885, in the design of canteen Mod. 1882 has been amended - hoops at the top and bottom sides are fastened together by metal bands, and funnel and stopper began to make slightly larger. The new model became known as "Mod. 1885").

    Russian Imperial Army canteens

    Russian Imperial Army canteens

    With the outbreak of World War I, wooden flasks stored in warehouses, gave the reserve troops (later, this wooden canteen was replaced glass canteens):

    Russian Imperial Army canteens

  2. #2


    Aluminum canteen Mod. 1897, capacity about 0.73 liter, with cork stopper. Later, he was released new aluminum canteen Mod. 1899, was similar to the previous model - slightly different size tolerances. There was one more difference - Mod. 1897 have a smooth and shiny surface, Mod. 1899 - matt surface.

    Russian Imperial Army canteens

    Russian Imperial Army canteens

    Drawings out the official description of the canteen and cover Mod. 1897:

    Russian Imperial Army canteens

    Cover mod. 1897 (replica), made of gray cloth. On the one side cover has holes, into which is inserted a thin leather cord. Cover transferred to the shoulder by means of a hemp webbing strap.

    Russian Imperial Army canteens

    Cover Mod. 1899. Laces has been replaced with two metal hooks, and change the size and thickness of the metal buckles mounted on a webbing strap.

    Russian Imperial Army canteens

    Example of using:

    Russian Imperial Army canteens

  3. #3


    Aluminum canteen Mod. 1909, capacity about 0.84 liter, with cork stopper. Designed as part of a "combined carrying system" - canteen could be put into the pot, and was attached to him with help a leather strap.

    Russian Imperial Army canteens

    Unlike previous models, this canteen has a "convex" shape at both sides:

    Russian Imperial Army canteens

    The kit also includes aluminum mug for tea:

    Russian Imperial Army canteens

    Russian Imperial Army canteens

    Aluminium mug fastened to cover with help a leather strap:

    Russian Imperial Army canteens

    The shoulder strap is also made of leather:

    Russian Imperial Army canteens

  4. #4


    In 1911, instead of a unsuccessful "combined carrying system Mod. 1909", was again adopted an older aluminum canteen Mod. 1899, with cover Mod. 1897 and the webbing strap Mod. 1899.

    Examples of marking different manufacturers on the canteens neck:

    Russian Imperial Army canteens

    In addition to marking the manufacturer, on the neck were applied additional stamps:

    "ПБ.И.С.П.К." - "Petersburg quartermaster warehouse selection committee".
    "ПБ.П.К." - "Petersburg selection committee".
    "П.И.П.К." - "Petrograd quartermaster selection committee".

    Russian Imperial Army canteens

    Iron "folded side" canteens, that had been introduced with the start of the World War I. The shape, dimensions and capacity was broadly comparable to the aluminum canteen Mod. 1899. There are three different types - "A", "Б", "B":

    Russian Imperial Army canteens

    Iron "folded side" canteen type "A":

    Russian Imperial Army canteens

    "Simplified" cover for canteens, Mod. 1915:

    Russian Imperial Army canteens

    Example of using:

    Russian Imperial Army canteens

    Officers could wear canteens random sample, provided that the color of the leather parts of the canteen will match the color of the rest of the leather outfit.

    Russian Imperial Army canteens

  5. #5


    Glass canteens were first introduced August 31, 1914, as "glass bottles (like lemonade) coated woven straw, in a cover of a gray cloth, with a webbing strap." Later, glass canteens began to make in the form of standard aluminum canteens.

    "Glass bottles, like lemonade (right):

    Russian Imperial Army canteens

    Varieties of "R.I.A." glass canteens:

    Russian Imperial Army canteens

    Russian Imperial Army canteens

    Russian Imperial Army canteens

    Russian Imperial Army canteens

    Russian Imperial Army canteens

    Russian Imperial Army canteens

    Very rare "glass canteen for paramedic bags":

    Russian Imperial Army canteens

    Russian Imperial Army canteens

    Russian Imperial Army canteens

    The upper part of the neck of the R.I.A. canteen markedly different from the neck of the RKKA glass canteens Mod. 1932.
    Also different hull shape - R.I.A. canteens (right) have a smooth, "oval" shape; canteens of the RKKA (left) - more "angular":

    Russian Imperial Army canteens

    That's all, I hope that it was somewhat useful for someone.
    Cheers, Michael

  6. #6
    CBH is offline


    Great thread , you are our Russian Karkee . A member who posted very detailed posts regarding British webbing . And I love to see the paper work regarding the construction . Your a great addition to our Forum and help to broaden our knowledge of Russian and Soviet equipment . Thanks again .

  7. #7


    Thanks, Chris! I have long been interested in the army canteens of different countries, and of course, I know Karkee and his excellent website, where I learned a lot.

  8. #8



    Thanks for the info.
    Just got one untouched and unmessed, nice example.
    Would that bottle and cover go under 1915 simplified one?

    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Russian Imperial Army canteens   Russian Imperial Army canteens  

    Russian Imperial Army canteens   Russian Imperial Army canteens  

    Russian Imperial Army canteens   Russian Imperial Army canteens  

  9. #9


    I can not say for sure, but it seems to me that this is not an "official cover".

  10. #10



    Do you know when they ceased production on the "R.I.A." glass canteen? Was it in 1922? There seems to be a lot of confusion among dealers and collectors about the differences between WWI era and WWII glass canteens.


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