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WW1 Russian Lancers photo identification

Article about: Hi, Enclosed, you will find a photo to identify. Very difficult because if three of these soldiers are wearing under one shouder strap the typical Lancer's cords, why are they wearing crosse

  1. #1

    Default WW1 Russian Lancers photo identification


    Enclosed, you will find a photo to identify. Very difficult because if three of these soldiers are wearing under one shouder strap the typical Lancer's cords, why are they wearing crossed cannons on their shouder straps?


    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture WW1 Russian Lancers photo identification  

  2. #2


    WW1 Russian Lancers photo identification

  3. #3


    WW1 Russian Lancers photo identification

  4. #4


    The owner of the photo writes on the backside that thay are all cannoneers.

  5. #5


    Thank you McSeam!

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