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British Paratrooper cap badge verification help!

Article about: Hello all, I'm trying to purchase a couple of WW2 original British Parachute Regiment cap badges, but I've been reading that fakes about online, notably the "blobby" fakes and exte

  1. #1

    Default British Paratrooper cap badge verification help!

    Hello all,

    I'm trying to purchase a couple of WW2 original British Parachute Regiment cap badges, but I've been reading that fakes about online, notably the "blobby" fakes and extended wingtip fakes. I'd like to call upon the collective wisdom of group members with far more experience with these badges than I have. I found I couple that I suspct to be original, but before I buy them I'd like someone with a better eye for these things to look them over.

    Item 1;
    British Paratrooper cap badge verification help!
    British Paratrooper cap badge verification help!
    British Paratrooper cap badge verification help!

    Item 2;
    British Paratrooper cap badge verification help!
    British Paratrooper cap badge verification help!
    British Paratrooper cap badge verification help!

    What do you reckon lads? Do you think either of these are genuine, or clever fakes?


  2. #2

    Default WW2 Para Cap Badge.


    I've attached my cap badge which I'm assured is genuine.

    Both crowns are King George.

    The first badge is very similar to mine.

    The only difference is that your second badge ring attachments have more flux or residue from joining them to the back of the badge.

    They are such small items and usually unmarked so it's difficult to tell
    if they're real or false.

    Regards, Mart.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture British Paratrooper cap badge verification help!   British Paratrooper cap badge verification help!  

    Last edited by martyboy; 06-21-2024 at 12:16 PM.

  3. #3


    Hi Mart,

    Thanks for your feedback. ArnhemJim did a blog post that did a bit of a deep dive into real vs fake badges and it really highlights the fact that yes, it can be extremely difficult to tell sometimes.

    Considering they're not glaringly obvious fakes (i.e. they lack the die defects you usually see with cheaper fakes), I wonder if they might serve for re-enacment purposes.

    They're both priced lower than many others touted as original for sale online, so I think there may be less danger of being completely ripped off.

    Cheers again.

  4. #4


    The first two look ok to me.

    Hi Marty, sorry for the bad news, but yours is a fake. Known as the "The Blob". Have a look under the top wing which I have highlighed here. There is a die flaw blob which is not present on any original. These fool a lot of people.

    Cheers, Ade.
    Attached Images Attached Images British Paratrooper cap badge verification help! 
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  5. #5


    Quote by Adrian Stevenson View Post
    The first two look ok to me.

    Hi Marty, sorry for the bad news, but yours is a fake. Known as the "The Blob". Have a look under the top wing which I have highlighed here. There is a die flaw blob which is not present on any original. These fool a lot of people.

    Cheers, Ade.
    I agree with Ade, the first two do look OK but I would prefer to have daylight images as the metal on these can be sometimes a bit of a giveaway. However, yes these do look OK.

    The third one is a "blobby" for sure. There are other issues with these but there is no need to go further once the "Blob" is noted. The metal used for these is sometimes extremely shiny and not what you would expect of something of WWII vintage even one that has been regularly cleaned.


    "War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing he cares more about than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature with no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."

  6. #6


    I never knew about "the blob". Fascinating.

  7. #7


    Hi team

    The first 2 are good as Ade pointed out and Martys is the "blob" but also and most importantly I have highlighted the square feathers of typical repro as opposed to the first 2 (WWII era) which should be rounded.



    British Paratrooper cap badge verification help!

  8. #8


    and also Dude, the projections emanating from either side of the top wing " feathers ".

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