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Help Identifyting Naval Aviation (?) Patch

Article about: I found this patch in the trash today... I assume it's military, but I have no idea what country it belongs to. It appears to be uniform removed... Does anyone have any idea what it could be

  1. #1

    Default Help Identifyting Naval Aviation (?) Patch

    I found this patch in the trash today... I assume it's military, but I have no idea what country it belongs to. It appears to be uniform removed...

    Does anyone have any idea what it could be?

    Help Identifyting Naval Aviation (?) Patch

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Help Identifyting Naval Aviation (?) Patch

    Sea Scouts Universal Explorer patch I think mate, 1950's ish? Scroll down to the Officer section, to 'Post advisor', that is your badge

    Explorers (1949-1958)

  3. #3

    Default Re: Help Identifyting Naval Aviation (?) Patch

    Ah! Thanks, Krad!

    It's a scout patch


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