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Remembrance wall shield

Article about: Found thise item at the flee market, thise morning. Is there any chance to find out who captain J.W. Winckworth and luitenant W.H. Green and what it was given for to the men and officers of

  1. #1

    Default Remembrance wall shield

    Found thise item at the flee market, thise morning.
    Is there any chance to find out who captain J.W. Winckworth and luitenant W.H. Green and what it was given for to the men and officers of the Belgian army at Deinze?
    There seem to have been stamps on the rear, but they fade away...
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Remembrance wall shield   Remembrance wall shield  

    Remembrance wall shield  
    Always looking for Belgian Congo stuff!


  2. #2

    Default Re: Remembrance wall shield

    I miss Jerry B.!
    Always looking for Belgian Congo stuff!


  3. #3

    Default Re: Remembrance wall shield

    The badge appears to be for WWII Royal Engineers
    - or Army Service Corps. It's a start.........


  4. #4

    Default Re: Remembrance wall shield

    The coloured backing for the badge is RE. As the name of the captain is quite unusual a search of the London gazette might produce something.

    He was granted a temporary commission in Jan 1941

    Viewing Page 538 of Issue 35056

    and then in 1945 he resigned his commission with the regular army and was granted the honourary rank of captain

    Viewing Page 4419 of Issue 37248


    Whatever its just an opinion.

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