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Silver topped swagger stick prince of wales own yorkshire regiment

Article about: Picked up today, sterling silver topped swagger stick hall marked Birmingham, not sure of the date as the letter is not very clear, but 1962, 1970 or 1972 seem most likely. It was very dull

  1. #1

    Default Silver topped swagger stick prince of wales own yorkshire regiment

    Picked up today, sterling silver topped swagger stick hall marked Birmingham, not sure of the date as the letter is not very clear, but 1962, 1970 or 1972 seem most likely. It was very dull when I got it and I gave it a quick polish.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Silver topped swagger stick prince of wales own yorkshire regiment   Silver topped swagger stick prince of wales own yorkshire regiment  

    Silver topped swagger stick prince of wales own yorkshire regiment  


    Whatever its just an opinion.

  2. #2
    mpw is offline


    A good find and certainly seen lots of use. Date letter looks like the sloping 'N' of 1962. Is the silversmiths mark P.N? Finding out would probably help narrow down the date of manufacture.

    Rgd's Mark.

  3. #3


    PN as maker and N for 1962 was my best guess for the date letter. I have not tried researching the maker yet.


    Whatever its just an opinion.

  4. #4
    mpw is offline


    I couldn't find P.N but as the letters look like serif font the "P" could be an "F" that has got smudged from wear/polishing over time, making it actually FN, or Frederick Narborough. Looks like he did a lot of silver work on bagpipes and walking canes.

    Silver topped swagger stick prince of wales own yorkshire regiment


  5. #5


    Quote by mpw View Post
    I couldn't find P.N but as the letters look like serif font the "P" could be an "F" that has got smudged from wear/polishing over time, making it actually FN, or Frederick Narborough. Looks like he did a lot of silver work on bagpipes and walking canes.

    Thanks Mark, it does look to be FN, I appreciate you taking the time to research this for me.


    Whatever its just an opinion.

  6. #6


    As the company are now known.

    It all started over 150 years ago here in Birmingham, in 1850 to be precise. Frederick Narborough recognised
    a niche business when he saw one and seized the opportunity to set up a small workshop to specialise in
    the manufacture of hand crafted sterling silver mounted walking canes for the gentry. The cane was Malacca
    or hand turned ebony. The sterling silver mounts were made by silversmiths in a variety of bespoke patterns
    according to the wishes of the client. A range of patterns for immediate sale was also provided for the
    “gentleman in a hurry”. The business grew and started to expand its product range into riding and hunting
    whips, many mounted in precious metals as well as hand carved ivory or hardwood heads. Over the years the
    cane business expanded into ceremonial equipment for the military and police forces of the world.
    The company remained in the ownership of the Narborough family and in 1925 a Mr S.C. Dalman, a Narborough
    nephew joined the company. In 1962 S.C. Dalman succeeded in being appointed Managing Director when the
    company changed its name to Dalman & Narborough. His son, John P. Dalman joined the company who in
    turn, became managing director in 1971. His son, Stephen J. Dalman became his successor in 1993.
    The company was registered as silversmiths at the Birmingham Assaye Office in 1859. British hallmarked
    silver is an international seal of quality. Dalman & Narborough is renowned for the production of ceremonial
    drum major’s staffs for military and civilian use to this day. Sterling silver drum major’s staffs are still being
    manufactured. Many of whom have been created for HM Royal Marines, the United States Marines Corps
    (President’s Own) and many other military formations both in the United Kingdom and world-wide.
    The company also became specialists in the production of Scottish ceremonial regalia, including bonnet
    badges, plaid brooches, doublet buttons and badges, waist and cross belts for broadswords, together with
    dirks and sgian dhubs. Highly decorative sterling silver bagpipes mounts became a speciality and are still in
    demand from the finest bagpipe makers in Scotland. The company has its own in-house silversmiths, spinners,
    turners, casters, platers, enamellists and polishers.
    From 1990 Dalman & Narborough expanded its operation with a number of acquisitions which complemented
    its manufactured product area but also introduced a wider range taking the company into a far greater area of
    activity. During this time, Tom, son of Stephen Dalman had rejoined the company following a period of studies
    in the United States of America. He was responsible for driving the new acquisitions into a cohesive force
    with the formation of a new holding company, All Arms Marketing & Manufacturing Organisation. In typical
    military fashion, an acronym was thrust upon us, AMMO - not one of our choice, but we had been accepted,
    a compliment indeed.
    New managers built new teams and the company continues to grow. From the traditional metal crafts of its
    Birmingham foundation, additional crafts and skills embrace hand embroidery in gold and silver bullion and
    coloured silks, hand emblazoning of regimental drums in 22 carat gold leaf and finest oils, all varnished to
    coach finish. Ceremonial uniforms with their relevant regalia accessories complete the wardrobe which, with all
    the “props”, serves to complete the setting for pure theatre for which British military ceremonial is renowned.
    The aim however remains the same: quality, reliability and the ability and drive to give “Service to Service” and
    maintain the old standards and traditions of its past


    Whatever its just an opinion.

  7. #7


    Nice one Jerry.

    I like it..........A LOT!

    Regards etc

    Ian D

    AKA: Jimpy

  8. #8


    its a F.

  9. #9


    Quote by harryamb2 View Post
    its a F.
    Thanks Harry, we had got that but confirmation from another pair of eyes is always welcome.


    Whatever its just an opinion.

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