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US invasion/landing armband

Article about: I purchased this armband at a local estate sale. It is framed with the pin and when I inspected it found multiple names written on back. Any suggestion on how to get a clearer view of the wr

  1. #1

    Default US invasion/landing armband

    I purchased this armband at a local estate sale. It is framed with the pin and when I inspected it found multiple names written on back. Any suggestion on how to get a clearer view of the writing as much has faded. The information above the list of names may help determine which landing or campaign this group participated in. So comments on authenticity and any advice on tracing its origin would be appreciated, thank you

    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture US invasion/landing armband   US invasion/landing armband  

    US invasion/landing armband   US invasion/landing armband  

    US invasion/landing armband   US invasion/landing armband  

    US invasion/landing armband  

  2. #2


    Nice find, these are usually associated to Operation Dragoon the August 1944 invasion of Southern France.

    Operation Dragoon

    Original U.S. WWII Operation Dragoon Paratrooper American Flag Oilclot – International Military Antiques


  3. #3


    a quick look using the most prominent name M W McGhee of Waco TX and found this - 38th Air Depot Group.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture US invasion/landing armband  

  4. #4
    MAP is offline


    I have not tried this, and it requires a purchase but have been told it works great. I've seen some examples of the outcome on another forum and it worked really well reading the almost completely faded manufacturers inkstamps on WW1 Brodie helmet liners home page
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  5. #5


    I've found over the years, that the best time to look at an item like this, is using early evening, low light, 10 x eyeglass........focus in & out & with a bit of perseverance you'll be able to make a little sense of the writing, hope this is of help !

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