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Us navy rating badges

Article about: Here's some bullion examples of pre 41 Rating Badges This is on a uniform and it is named and dated 1911. Yeoman (1911) Commissary Steward Electrician's Mate Gunner's Mate Machinist's Mate M

  1. #1

    Default Us navy rating badges

    I am a long time collector of U.S. Navy rating badges. I thought this thread could be of some use to this forum.

    These are 1866 and 1869 offficer and specialty marks. These are acually patterns which the salior would use to sew the insignia needed to there uniform.

    Petty Officcer's mark
    Us navy rating badges
    Coxswain mark
    Us navy rating badges
    Signal Quartermaster and other Quartermasters
    Us navy rating badges
    Machinist (1869)
    Us navy rating badges

    There are more of these marks but that's all that I have.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Us navy rating badges

    1886-1893 Style rating badges
    They did not have a chief petty officer rating until 1893. The first class rates had the red diamond like shape behind the mark and three chevrons. Second class had three chevrons and third class had two chevrons. Examples below.
    First class examples:
    Schoolmaster (1st class only)
    Us navy rating badges
    Gunner's Mate
    Us navy rating badges
    Us navy rating badges

    Second Class Examples
    Gunner's Mate
    Us navy rating badges
    Us navy rating badges

    Third class example:
    Us navy rating badges


  3. #3

    Default Re: Us navy rating badges

    1894-1905 Rating Badges

    In 1894 the style of the eagle changed and the chevrons style. Take notice how the chevrons are sewn on and the eagle style, that will change in 1905.

    Chief Petty officer Example:
    Us navy rating badges

    First Class Example:
    Boatswain's Mate
    Us navy rating badges

    Second Class examples:
    Us navy rating badgesUs navy rating badges

    Don't have a third class.


  4. #4

    Default Re: Us navy rating badges

    1905-1913 Style Rating Badges In White
    These rate had a slightly different eagle. Take notice that the tail feathers are more straight down than to the right side. Eagle still leans a little to our right.
    These white rates were use in 1905-1913 with the red chevrons. Some think they were use a little later in the one fleet either Atlantic or Pacific fleet. Don't recall.

    Chief example:
    Us navy rating badges

    First Class Example:
    Us navy rating badges

    Second Class Example:
    Us navy rating badges

    Third Class Example
    Us navy rating badges


  5. #5

    Default Re: Us navy rating badges

    1905-1940 Rating Badges Blue
    The blue rating badges stay the same (white eagle with red chevrons on blue material) in this time period.

    Chief Example:
    Turret Captain
    Us navy rating badges

    First Class Example:
    Aviation Quartermaster (only used from 1918-1921)
    Us navy rating badges

    Sencond Class Example:
    Aviation Rigger (only used from 1921-1927)
    Us navy rating badges

    Third Class Example:
    Us navy rating badges


  6. #6

    Default Re: Us navy rating badges

    1913-1940 Rating Badges White

    In 1913 the regulations change. The white rating badges were no longer to have red chevrons. It was change to blue.

    Chief Example:
    Aviation Pilot
    Us navy rating badges

    First Class Example:
    Us navy rating badges

    Second Class Example:
    Us navy rating badges

    Third Class Example:
    Aviation Machinist's Mate
    Us navy rating badges


  7. #7

    Default Re: Us navy rating badges

    1941-1948 Rating Badges
    In 1941 the navy regulations had two changes. The first was the eagle would no longer lean. The second was all rating badges would face to its right on all rating badges except the seaman branch. Seaman branch consits of the following rates(Boatswain's Mate,Fire Controlman,Gunner's Mate,Mineman,Quartermaster,Signalman,Torpedoman,an d Turret Captain. Ratings were worn on the left sleeve for non seaman branch and right sleeve for seaman branch. Now the eagle head would face towards the wearer's front with this regulation change. In 1943 the navy regulations brought the gray uniform into use.
    In 1948 the regulations change again, all branches would wear rating badges on the left sleeve.

    1941-1947 Seaman Branch Rates
    Boatswain's Mate Chief
    Us navy rating badges
    Fire Controlman Chief
    Us navy rating badges
    Gunner's Mate Chief
    Us navy rating badges
    Mineman Chief
    Us navy rating badges
    Quartermaster Chief
    Us navy rating badges
    Signalman Chief
    Us navy rating badges
    Torpedoman Chief
    Us navy rating badges
    Turret Captain Chief
    Us navy rating badges

    Some examples of Non Seaman Branch
    Aviation Airship Rigger Chief (1944-1948)
    Us navy rating badges
    Aviation Pilot First Class
    Us navy rating badges
    Buglemaster Second Class
    Us navy rating badges
    Motor Machinist's Mate Third Class (1944-1948)
    Us navy rating badges

    1948 Rating Badges
    UnderWater Mechanic (only use for a short time in 1948)
    Us navy rating badges
    First Class
    Us navy rating badges
    Second Class
    Us navy rating badges
    Third Class
    Us navy rating badges
    1948 Seaman branch rates
    Now all the eagles heads will face the same direction due to the regulation change in 1948.
    Boatswain's Mate (Seaman Branch)
    Us navy rating badges


  8. #8

    Default Re: Us navy rating badges

    Incredible weath of hard to find knowlage here....thanks for posting. Now I have to go back and take notes!

  9. #9

    Default Re: Us navy rating badges

    Superb Collection, Jason! I especially like the 1904 dated patch! A Great job putting together such a set! Civil War era patches? Most Museums don;t have such things! Thanks for posting them here! William

    "Much that once was, is lost. For none now live who remember it."

  10. #10

    Default Re: Us navy rating badges

    Thanks for the kind words guys and I'm glad you like this thread. I probably have over 1500 navy rates and most are ww2 or older. I will add some more informative posts to this thread using what rates I have to show you guys the details. Also have alot of uniforms with rates on.


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