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USMC EGA insignia era?

Article about: Hello friends, need help with era and where might've gone on... As you can see stud was cut there's either epoxy or some type of glue on the back. Thanks

  1. #1

    Default USMC EGA insignia era?

    Hello friends, need help with era and where might've gone on... As you can see stud was cut there's either epoxy or some type of glue on the back. ThanksUSMC EGA insignia era?USMC EGA insignia era?

  2. #2


    Looks like collar or cap insignia that was used for some
    sort of display. Remnants of glue are hiding any
    maker marks that Might be there.........


  3. #3


    steve, do you think is a good idea to try to remove glue and look for markings?

  4. #4


    With it being that size I would say for the collar/lapel.
    Here is a good EGA reference I have saved to my favorites.

    Ega emblem reference - Eagle Globe and Anchor Militaria

    Semper Fi

  5. #5


    Quote by J Rojas View Post
    steve, do you think is a good idea to try to remove glue and look for markings?
    Sure. Do it with a toothpick or hard plastic object.
    Looks like it will come off quite easily.........


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