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Panzerwaschanlage (tank washing-bay), Bundeswehr

Article about: Dear all, Maybe of some interest, a former 'Panzerwaschanlage' (tank washing-bay) used at least in the 1980's by the Bundeswehr in former 'Waeller-Kaserne" (at Westerburg situated in We

  1. #1

    Default Panzerwaschanlage (tank washing-bay), Bundeswehr

    Dear all,

    Maybe of some interest, a former 'Panzerwaschanlage' (tank washing-bay) used at least in the 1980's by the Bundeswehr in former 'Waeller-Kaserne" (at Westerburg situated in Westerwald) in Germany. To clean tanks or other vehicles from mud and dust of the drill ground - or remants of a NBC-attack in war. Maybe of some interest for modelling and a nice diorama too.

    With best wishes
    alter musketier

    Panzerwaschanlage (tank washing-bay), BundeswehrPanzerwaschanlage (tank washing-bay), BundeswehrPanzerwaschanlage (tank washing-bay), BundeswehrPanzerwaschanlage (tank washing-bay), BundeswehrPanzerwaschanlage (tank washing-bay), BundeswehrPanzerwaschanlage (tank washing-bay), BundeswehrPanzerwaschanlage (tank washing-bay), BundeswehrPanzerwaschanlage (tank washing-bay), BundeswehrPanzerwaschanlage (tank washing-bay), BundeswehrPanzerwaschanlage (tank washing-bay), Bundeswehr
    In memory of my father who was in K-Einsatz, combat engagement, with the RAD in the Alps in 1945, of my grandfather who was with the IR 87 during campaign in France in 1940 and of my grand-uncle who served in the Gardegrenadierregiment Nr. 3 "Königin Elisabeth" and who was killed in action at Craonne, Chemin des Dames in France in 1917

  2. #2


    Panzerwaschanlage (tank washing-bay), Bundeswehr
    Panzerwaschanlage (tank washing-bay), Bundeswehr
    In memory of my father who was in K-Einsatz, combat engagement, with the RAD in the Alps in 1945, of my grandfather who was with the IR 87 during campaign in France in 1940 and of my grand-uncle who served in the Gardegrenadierregiment Nr. 3 "Königin Elisabeth" and who was killed in action at Craonne, Chemin des Dames in France in 1917

  3. #3


    Referred to as the "Wash Rack" in the US Army; In 1985 I was assigned to one in Ft.Knox, KY for 30 days, signing out high-pressure hoses to tank crews...

  4. #4
    TWS is offline


    <- Spent many hours on wash racks in Germany and at Fort Hood.
    Former U.S. Army Tanker.
    "Best job I ever had."

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