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Sarajevo 1998

Article about: Peacekeeping vehicles and armour 1998

  1. #1

    Default Sarajevo 1998

    Peacekeeping vehicles and armour 1998
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Sarajevo 1998   Sarajevo 1998  

    Sarajevo 1998   Sarajevo 1998  

    Sarajevo 1998   Sarajevo 1998  

    Sarajevo 1998  

  2. #2


    Very interesting.

  3. #3


    Cool photos!..

  4. #4


    christ that brings back memories

  5. #5


    I was there around 97 took the same kind of pictures does bring back some memories

  6. #6


    I was there during the worst of the conflict in Central Bosnia, 1993-95, quite a major period in my life I now realise!!


  7. #7


    Quote by Steve Newman View Post
    I was there during the worst of the conflict in Central Bosnia, 1993-95, quite a major period in my life I now realise!!

    I thought that, until I went to Iraq

  8. #8


    I dont doubt that for one second John, certainly not 'the worst' conflict but 93-95 was probably the 'worst of that conflict' if that makes any sense at all!!


  9. #9


    Hope you didn't think I was belittling you on that one Steve, I made a mistake I was there in 96 (the brain matter) based in Banja Luka Gorny verkoof (can't spell it) amongst others (I was REME PRE inspector, and we had kit all over Bos and Croatia) Spent many a unhappy week or two in Sarajevo. It scared the sh**t out of me, as you never knew if and when you were getting hit, and you couldn't do much when the serbs were having a pop anyway..... Mostar! But saying that I had some good times too, especially going to Brac once a month to pre the speedboat What I still can't get my head around is that they are now doing holidays to Split!!! Hope it's not north port Op Telic was different, at least, for a time anyway, you knew who was shooting at you, and you could shoot back!

    I'll dig out some photos if i can find them

  10. #10


    No not all mate,

    I was with a UK NGO. First I was based in Vitez dealing with all childrens deliveries in the pocket and also just outside in Muslim areas and then up to the front lines of Serb areas, where my vehicle was damaged by a mortar round when the house we were sheltering in took a direct hit. Then I moved onto Buguno and Gorni Vakuf, where one of the team was wounded by shrapnel. After that onto the convoys taking supplies about. Split to Vitez, Tuzla, Bihac, Velika Kladusa, Sarajevo, Tesanj, Maglaj, Knin, Slunj etc etc I got about a fair bit.

    Then I team led in the refugee camps in Serb held Kraijina and was there when Nato started bombing, being western then in Serb area wasn't ideal but fortunately I had made a lot of friends in the local Serb community where I lived, so despite 'having to take me in', I wasn't tied to a radar station or something but put up in a hotel with the Norwegian nurses... War is hell.


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