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Japanese Chinese Incident Medal 1937-1945 (AHC collection)

Article about: 1937-1945 China Incident medal I received this beautiful and complete set of the 1937-1945 China Incident medal today. It cost me 50 euro (70,70 U.S. Dollar), while the international value i

  1. #1

    Default Japanese Chinese Incident Medal 1937-1945 (AHC collection)

    1937-1945 China Incident medal

    I received this beautiful and complete set of the 1937-1945 China Incident medal today. It cost me 50 euro (70,70 U.S. Dollar), while the international value is currently 230 U.S. Dollar (161,89 euro). It is expansive because its quite rare and not easy to find.

    De name of the medal (Sina jihen jugun kisho) is written with silver letters on the case.

    "The China Incident Medal (Sina jihen jugun kisho) medal was created by Imperial Edit No. 496 on July 27, 1939; and was awarded for service in China from during the 12th through the 20th years of the Shōwa period -- Shōwa 12-20 (1937–1945). An amendment was promulgated by Imperial Edict No. 418 in 1944; and the decoration was abolished in 1946 by government ordinance No. 177."

    Bron: wikipedia

    Japanese Chinese Incident Medal 1937-1945 (AHC collection)Japanese Chinese Incident Medal 1937-1945 (AHC collection)Japanese Chinese Incident Medal 1937-1945 (AHC collection)Japanese Chinese Incident Medal 1937-1945 (AHC collection)

  2. #2

    Default Re: Japanese Chinese Incident Medal 1937-1945 (AHC collection)

    Hi , these are super looking medals , and yours is a nice example . Great to see you still have the tissue wrapper as these are scarce and is a real bonus , thanks for showing it

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