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Japanese grenade fuzes for a stick grenade?

Article about: These had a tag that said they are for a Japanese stick grenade, the wire runs up the inside of the fabric string. Are they for a type 98 stick grenade?

  1. #1

    Default Japanese grenade fuzes for a stick grenade?

    These had a tag that said they are for a Japanese stick grenade, the wire runs up the inside of the fabric string. Are they for a type 98 stick grenade?Japanese grenade fuzes for a stick grenade?Japanese grenade fuzes for a stick grenade?

  2. #2


    I found a description of the fuze activation; it mentions a sanded string that when pulled ignites the fuze:
    ...The fuze consists of a friction ignition composition with a sanded string running through it. This string extends up the hollow handle and is connected to a pull ring which is exposed by removing the screw cap at the top of the handle.

    Operation: The screw cap is removed from the top of the handle. The ring inside the handle is then pulled. This draws the sanded string through the ignition composition igniting the 4 or 5 second delay. The delay train detonates a cap which detonates the main charge.

    This grenade has more fragmentation effect than the German high explosive stick grenade

    Japanese grenade fuzes for a stick grenade?
    -- Guy

  3. #3


    Appears we could be right, the dark colored piece is sand paper like material.

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