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Long stored and forgotten Japanese bring back items HELP!

Article about: Howdy folks! It's certainly been a while since i posted on the forum, but trust me i still lurk.... I recently purchased an estate with some interesting Japanese items that were apparently b

  1. #1

    Default Long stored and forgotten Japanese bring back items HELP!

    Howdy folks!

    It's certainly been a while since i posted on the forum, but trust me i still lurk.... I recently purchased an estate with some interesting Japanese items that were apparently brought back after the war. First is just a pretty much run of the mill looking sword with a short signed tang. The second piece is all hand carved wood and appears to be some sort of shrine. When i took it out of the box it had the writing underneath and wedged at the very bottom was this folded piece of paper "unfolded in pictures". I know nothing about it other than the fact it feels incredibly fragile and appears to be older than dirt. If anyone could help me as to what any of that is i would be greatly appreciative.

    All the best,


    Long stored and forgotten Japanese bring back items HELP!Long stored and forgotten Japanese bring back items HELP!Long stored and forgotten Japanese bring back items HELP!Long stored and forgotten Japanese bring back items HELP!Long stored and forgotten Japanese bring back items HELP!Long stored and forgotten Japanese bring back items HELP!

  2. #2


    The sword is signed:
    Rai Kuniharu
    Possibly the 2nd smith from the top of p 249:
    Index of Japanese Swordsmiths A-M - Markus Sesko - Google Books

    The shrine is dedicated to Inari Ōkami 稲荷大神. I thought those animals were mice, but I'm fairly certain they are supposed to be foxes (check the tails .... if they get fat at the end, they're foxes).
    Inari Ōkami - Wikipedia

    Also, the folded paper shows two foxes helping with a harvest, so I'm pretty certain this is about Inari Ōkami. [Okami means "great god"]
    The shinto priest image is of the main priest of this shrine.[oops: I should have deleted this before posting; it is not the head priest, but an image of Inari Okami.]

    Shu Ichi-i Haku* Daimyōjin Go-ei
    Sacred Image of the Highest-Level God "White * "
    • No matter how much I parsed the kanji, I could not find a shinto god with 白 plus one kanji; saw a couple with 白 + 2 or 3 kanji. If I can get a better view of that top part -- flattened out -- I might be able to find that missing kanji

    Sōshū Ōsumi-gun Imaizumi-mura
    Kanagawa Prefecture, Osumi County, Imaizumi Village [Sōshū is the old name for Kanagawa Prefecture]


    Kanushi Kurihara Mondo
    Head Priest Kurihara Mondo
    Last edited by ghp95134; 04-16-2019 at 07:10 AM.

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