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My Sword Articles - Free

Article about: I finally found a way to post my articles on a site where they can be downloaded for free. For anyone interested, here they are: Stamps of the Japanese Sword - by Bruce Pennington (substack.

  1. #1

    Default My Sword Articles - Free

    I finally found a way to post my articles on a site where they can be downloaded for free. For anyone interested, here they are:

    South Manchurian Railway - The Mantetsu Blade

    Stamps of the Japanese Sword - by Bruce Pennington

    The Mysterious NLF Gunto - A Souvenir - by Bruce Pennington


  2. #2


    The September update of my "Stamps of the Japanese Sword" is available for free download. Link, above, will go to it.

    Update includes:
    Navy Unknown Inspector stamps: The "Inaba" stamp may be an inspector stamp from the Inaba Tanrenjo in Noshu; and the "KA" stamp may be an inspector from Kamakura, location of Tenshozan.
    -- Regrouped Sadakazu & son Sadakatsu & his son Sadamitsu
    -- Added a kao by swordsmith "SA" from the 13-1400's
    -- Grouped Yasuhiro who also signed as Moritaka, plus a Moritaka with a different kao
    -- Grouped Masahide examples of kakihan, kokuin, and both
    Added to Cut Test Kao a section showing the stamped "Cut Test by Hakudo" on Yoshichika blades
    Stamped Numbers Map: added newly discovered kanji for Saitama prefecture
    Koshirae Unknowns: Added small star on seppa
    Type 19 Unknowns: Added a 7th shop stamp


  3. #3


    March 2024 Updated version available:

    Link at top goes to the new version.

    Did some housekeeping:
    Took Kikumon and Buddhist stamps out of the Army Section and grouped them with the Bonji in their own place
    Added a couple Kakihan and 4 Cut Tester kao; added a stamped mei for tester cutter Kakudo
    Expanded the discussion/history behind the 1 Leaf Aoi emblem
    Improved display and discussion of the Iida latch markings
    Added the small star on seppa and a shop stamp on kyugunto to the Unknown section

    So, not a big update.


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