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Reference book on Japanese Sake Cups Help Please

Article about: I am looking for a reasonably priced reference book on the topic of sake cup and bottles. Not intending to collect them but would like to better understand what I am looking at. I would have

  1. #1

    Default Reference book on Japanese Sake Cups Help Please

    I am looking for a reasonably priced reference book on the topic of sake cup and bottles. Not intending to collect them but would like to better understand what I am looking at. I would have posted my cups on the current thread but would like to better understand what they are before posting. Any help is appreciated.

  2. #2


    Not a heck of a lot out there. Dan King's book seems the most accessible:

    I think the biggest negative is for some reason Dan decided to price his cups in the book which did not age well.

    There are a couple of Japanese language sake cup books on eBay from time to time.


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