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Register at WW2 German, Soviet, Allied militaria, uniforms, awards, weapons history. War relics forum

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Forum Rules

In order to proceed, you must agree with the following rules:

Forum Rules

Registration to this forum is free! We do insist that you abide by the rules and policies detailed below. If you agree to the terms, please check the 'I agree' checkbox and press the 'Complete Registration' button below. If you would like to cancel the registration, click here to return to the forums index.

Forum rules

The goals of this web site are as follows:
To form a community of militaria collectors and dealers looking for interaction with each other.
To facilitate a means for exchange of militaria between its members. 
By registering you are agreeing with terms and rules below. Military History Forum reserves the right to terminate any registration, interaction, postings, or listings, at any time for any reason, including but not limited to violations of these terms.

Join requirements
-You are at least 18 years of age.
-You are able and willing to comply with all the rules of Military History Forum (in future, below, MHF)
-You are not a sender of unwanted and unrelated posts and emails.
-You will not post any offensive items or abuse your membership in any way.

General Policy
All members are encouraged to be on their very best behavior and use good etiquette in all of their communications at MHF. Childish behavior is strongly discouraged; at all times, members are expected to behave in an adult-like manner. Members failing to use proper etiquette could be permanently banned.  Every member is encouraged to post information including attachments to aid other members or to demonstrate variations. However, members should refrain from making posts that "hijack" (i.e. taking over or redirect) someone else's thread for the sole purpose of promoting, selling, trading, bragging, showing off, etc. the member's own items.
Please remember that we are not responsible for any messages posted. We do not vouch for or warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any message, and are not responsible for the contents of any message.
Any user who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to contact us immediately by email. We have the ability to remove objectionable messages and we will make every effort to do so, within a reasonable time frame, if we determine that removal is necessary
MHF have some sections, which are for adults only. This holds true both mentally and physically. If you are, or cannot act like an adult, (18 years of age) please do not enter those sections.
MHF recognizes that many community members belong to multiple other militaria sites. MHF in no way bars or penalizes its members for membership with any other online forums.
All postings, and photographs become the property of MHF, and you agree to release, once you post, all material to MHF and release any other claims to your property.
These rules and regulations are open to changes without notification to the membership. These rules are posted, and are always accessible for the viewing of updates.

Usage and Interference
You agree that you will not use any robot, spider, or any other automated or manual process, to monitor, copy, or otherwise publicly display the content on this site without our express written permission. You agree that you will not engage in any activities that pose unreasonable or excessive load on our web site infrastructure.  MHF reserves the right to deny access, refuse to respond, or otherwise limit usage of this site, for any reason, at any time
1) We will suspend/ban members without warning if you disrespect anyone on forum staff.
2) Disagreements: some of the most valuable information can be gained in threads where various members disagree about a point and post information supporting their point of view. However, members who disagree and, in an effort to support their point of view, turn to personal attacks or other inappropriate behavior run the risk of being temporarily or even banned.
3) Links to any commercial websites or sites with commercial content are prohibited (only forum sponsors allowed to do that)
4) MHF does not tolerate any form of discrimination, racism, nationalism or religion. Any posts violating this provision are subject to immediate deletion. Additionally, members being reported for a violation are subject to being permanently banned
5) MHF reserve the right to delete any message without cause and without warning. You agree to not allow another user to log into your account using your username and password. Violations of this will result in your account being banned. You remain solely responsible for the content of your messages, and you agree to indemnify and hold harmless, the MHF and their agents with respect to any claim based upon transmission of your message(s) or others messages
6) Any member found in violation of the MHF policy is subject to having their account banned
If you have a problem on this forum, you can contact moderators or administration.

Privacy Policy
MHF makes every effort to guard member privacy. We do not sell, share, rent, trade or give away any personal member information. And we do not have access to any personal information as passwords etc. If you forgot your password you can only change it, but never recover it.   

No warranty
MHF, its administration, employees, and suppliers will NOT be responsible or liable for any of the following:
-Any losses incurred by its members as a direct result of their participation at this site.
-Any losses incurred by its members as an indirect result of their participation.
-Any losses incurred by its members as a result of another member's participation.
-Any losses incurred as a result of computer failure, slowdown, or inability to connect.
-Any statements or actions of any of its members, either on this site or elsewhere.
-Loss of any information stored on the (which supply MHF) servers for any reason.
-The satisfaction or lack there of resulting from purchases made via this service.
-The accuracy or lack thereof in any statements made by its members.
MHF is also not responsible for the transactions entered between members. This is a peer to peer system and if you are not comfortable with the person with whom you are entering into a transaction, you should not move forward. MHF can not and will not guarantee the safe arrival of your items, the return of your money, authenticity, or any other aspect of the transactions carried out.

Buy/Sell Rules
-Items posted in the FOR SALE section must contain general description of and/or a picture of the ACTUAL item for sale and the price you are asking for the item.
-Any reproductions sold on this forum must be clearly labeled as such. The sale of fakes will not be tolerated. If you post an item here, you are agreeing that it may be discussed
Outside Links to Websites
In this section, we do not allow the links to outside websites for additional pictures or where other militaria, not listed on this site, is for sale.

We do not accept any live ammo or/and live weapons listings here. Listings like that will be deleted

-Using the FOR SALE section is a privilege of our membership and not a right
-Returns must be allowed by the seller for a period of 7 seven days from when the items arrives
-Sellers/Buyers backing out of transactions without any reason will be subject to punishment, including removal of all of the current listings.
-MHF cannot force members to complete transactions. Where a seller/buyer has backed out of a transaction after a deal has been made, we request that you please send the MHF administration or the FOR SALE section moderator notification of the issue.
-Remember, backing out of deals makes not only the seller look bad, but reflects poorly on the board and its owners. It also breeds lots of distrust among members. Therefore, we at MHF take such issues very seriously.

Sold Items
When an item is sold, please mark it as SOLD.

Listing Expiration
Ads are available for at least 30 days. USMF has a function set to automatically delete all For Sale ads that have not received any posts in the last 30 days. If a member's item has not sold and/or the member's ad is deleted due to no posts in 30 days, the member is certainly free to repost a For Sale ad for the item.

This is a peer to peer interaction; MHF gives no guarantee of the authenticity of the items for sale, or any other aspect of the transaction.
 If you agree with them and wish to proceed with the registration, simply click the "Register" button below.

Great Militaria - Down
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