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Concentration Camp and Ghetto Currency

Article about: The Dachau piece is a fantasy item. KL Dachau scrip had a totally different appearance. Later in the thread, I will show the correct format. The other examples are originals, with the Buchen

  1. #71


    Thanks Carl,
    Hopefully, I’ll be here to keep it safe for another 37 years.

    Great thread

  2. #72


    I found these is a lot of currency I purchased. Based on reviewing this thread they appear to be original. I cannot find another example with this overprint (or signature), can anyone decipher the overprint?

    ThanksConcentration Camp and Ghetto Currency

  3. #73


    Always interesting to see the over stamped satellite camp / external wok detail examples, such as this one. A number of the Buchenwald subcamps are known to have been issued with this form of camp scrip, including Schwerte (Ruhr), Rottleberode, Wolfen-Bitterfeld, KD ("Kommando") -53, and Altenburg, to name but a few. This is one I have seen before but cannot recall which satellite it belongs to.


  4. #74


    Finally found a similar example with a signature that sold recently. Apparently these are not listed in any catalogs with the signature. No idea what it sold for,

    banknotes germany - prison camps (1939-1945) buchenwald. camp de concentration. billet. 1 mark (1944). inedit ?

  5. #75


    I was just talking to my father and he sent me these two images on his phone of a 3RM Buchenwald Note that he had purchased with a grouping to a US Soldier several years ago.

    On the backside of the note is some interesting writing. He had asked me what it may have read on the back. I was able to inform him that most likely KLB was for Konzentrationslagers Buchenwald. The rest remains a mystery..

    Pure speculation on my behalf is that the number 5867 was perhaps the number of a prisoner at Buchenwald and the writing is possibly their name? We can't seem to make it out though.

    I thought I would post it in hopes that Carl may be able to decipher the writing and the possible number.

    I did check the US Holocaust Memorial Database and found several links to the number 5867 for documents but no luck on the prisoner number.

    Here are some images of both front and back of the note.

    Looking forward to any feedback.

    Best regards, stay safe everyone,

    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Concentration Camp and Ghetto Currency   Concentration Camp and Ghetto Currency  

  6. #76


    I cannot make out the name mate, sorry.

  7. #77



    I appreciate you taking time to look at the note. I will keep trying to decipher what it may read.

    Hope you are doing well my friend..

    Best regards, stay safe


  8. #78


    looks like it reads " ? and food". As though it is describing what the scrip was used for.

  9. #79


    A good observation, it does look like it may well say something along those lines...

    The credit tokens issued to prisoners within the concentration camp system, as I have addressed earlier, were used for supplemental rations, cigarettes and also visits to the Sonderbau (the "special building"), a rather incognito description for the camp brothel.


  10. #80


    Hi Carl, I need help from a more experienced collector. What do you think, original or copy? it smells musty.

    Concentration Camp and Ghetto Currency Concentration Camp and Ghetto Currency
    Concentration Camp and Ghetto Currency Concentration Camp and Ghetto Currency
    Concentration Camp and Ghetto Currency

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