Title: Counterfeiting the Holocaust: A Historical and Archival Examination of Holocaust Artifacts
Author: Alec. S. Tulkoff
Publisher: Schiffer
Year: 2000
ISBN: 0-7643-1109-3
Softback: 88 pages
Title: Counterfeiting the Holocaust: A Historical and Archival Examination of Holocaust Artifacts
Author: Alec. S. Tulkoff
Publisher: Schiffer
Year: 2000
ISBN: 0-7643-1109-3
Softback: 88 pages
Title: Topography of Terror: Gestapo, SS and Reichssicherheitshauptamt on the Prinz Albrecht Terrain: A Documentation
Author: Edited by Reinhard Rurup
Publisher: Verlag Willmuth Arenhovel Berlin
Year: 1989
ISBN: 3-922912-25-7
Softback: 237 pages
Title: The Art of Memory: Holocaust Memorials in History
Author: Edited by James E Young
Publisher: Printed by Aumuller Druck KG, Regensburg
Year: 1994
ISBN: 3-7913-1322-3 (English edition)
ISBN: 3-7913-1337-1 (German Edition)
Softback: 196 pages
Title: The Holocaust Museum in Washington
Author: Jeshajahu Weinberg & Rina Elieli
Publisher: Rizzoli International Publications Inc.
Year: 1995
ISBN: 0-8478-1906-X
Hardback: 200 pages
Title: The Death Train
Author: Christian Bernadac
Publisher: Ferni Publishing House
Year: 1978
ISBN: Unknown
Softback: 333 pages
Title: What was it Like in the Concentration Camp at Dachau?
Author: Dr. Johannes Neuhausler 1888-1973
Publisher: Roch-Druk GmbH, Hochstadt/Donau
Year: 34th Edition MARCH 2009
ISBN: Unknown
Softback: 83 pages
Title: Protestant Church of Reconciliation in the former Dachau concentration camp
Author: Translated from German by David Lewis
Publisher: Unknown
Year: 1967
ISBN: Unknown
Softback: 18 pages
NOTE: This is a memorial brochure for the church located on the former concentration camp grounds
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