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Star of David Patches

Article about: Hey guys, Does anyone have info on the different yellow Star patches that where made? I've seen different stars in different designs and words. Kapo? Sowjet? Z? Did anyone ever make there ow

  1. #1

    Default Star of David Patches

    Hey guys,

    Does anyone have info on the different yellow Star patches that where made? I've seen different stars in different designs and words. Kapo? Sowjet? Z?
    Did anyone ever make there own patches?

    I guess I'm looking for a gallery or index of the different variations and in which country that design was issued.

    Any info is great


  2. #2

    Default Re: Star of David Patches

    Counterfeiting the holocaust by Alex S. Tulkoff is a wonderful place to start. If you have some more pacific questions, I may be of service.

    I believe you can pick up Mr. Tulkoffs book on amazon for around ten dollars FYI.

    I currently know of two Star of David's for sale which are authentic, the Jude and J. The Jude Star of David is priced around 500, while the J. is well over priced IMO at a little over a thousand. If your interested, I can send you a link.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Star of David Patches

    I found this online...although incomplete, it gives you a basic idea, I believe...
    cheers, Glenn
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Star of David Patches  

  4. #4

    Default Re: Star of David Patches

    Kapo's were the ghetto police, they were Jewish but they did the policing for the Germans. They were the most hated because they were seen as traitors to there own people and collaborators. Also there were many symbols of different colours not just words on the stars of David. Pink Triangles for example were homosexuals other colors were Jehovahs witness's or gypsies or other non conformist. Hope that helps.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Star of David Patches

    Quote by david113081 View Post
    Kapo's were the ghetto police, they were Jewish but they did the policing for the Germans. They were the most hated because they were seen as traitors to there own people and collaborators. Also there were many symbols of different colours not just words on the stars of David. Pink Triangles for example were homosexuals other colors were Jehovahs witness's or gypsies or other non conformist. Hope that helps.
    Actually, a Kapo was a prisoner functionary [Funktionshäftling] at a concentration camp who was assigned to supervise other prisoners or carry out administrative tasks.

    Kapos were not necessarily Jewish; the majority came from other inmate categories, in most cases criminals or political prisoners. (Although there were Jewish Kapos as well.)

    The Ghetto Police was referred to as Jüdischer Ordnungsdienst [Jewish Order Service] or Jüdische Ghettopolizei [Jewish Ghetto Police].

    (The colored triangles, too, were only used within the concentration camps. For Jewish prisoners, they were combined with a yellow triangle to form the Star of David.)

  6. #6

    Default Re: Star of David Patches

    Glenn that picture I have and has answered some of my questions. And thanks for the Kapo info.

    These two pictures below. What's sowjet? And the other looks handmade. Did people make their own? I didn't think they came in two triangles, rather more in one piece.
    One some the tips of the triangles are rounded and others pointed.

    If I had access to a laptop I could put a picture up showing what I am mean, but I can't do much on a tablet.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Star of David Patches   Star of David Patches  

  7. #7

    Default Re: Star of David Patches

    It's apparent to me by looking at photos that these stars were often quite crude and not necessarily following a strict regulation...sometimes just a triangle on the back of their coats in some places in the East...what really mattered is that they were marked as separate from the community...Good luck with your project!
    cheers, Glenn

  8. #8

    Default Re: Star of David Patches

    Quote by SailorTzipi View Post
    These two pictures below. What's sowjet?
    "Sowjet" means "Soviet". That one is certainly no good.

    I have never heard about a "Jewish Star" with that word on it. If they bore text, it was the word for "Jew" or an abbreviation thereof in the respective country's language ("Jude" in Germany," Juif" in France, "Jood" in the Netherlands etc.), but not a nationality designation.

    (Single capital letters identifying foreign inmates' nationality were, however, used on the colored triangles worn on concentration camp prisoners' uniforms, such as "T" for "Tscheche" [Czech] or "P" for "Pole" [Pole] etc.)

    The material and embroidery also don't look like anything found on period "Jewish Stars".

    (By the way: What on Earth does the "Horst Wessel" watermark in the picture mean? Is that the seller's auction user name?!)

  9. #9

    Default Re: Star of David Patches

    I just found these stars on google. I don't know if they are real.

    I'm actually looking for repos, but I want to make sure I'm getting a repo of something that was real and not a fantasy piece, if you get my meaning.

    Many thanks for your help gents. Youth collector, I'll have a look at the book thanks again

  10. #10

    Default Re: Star of David Patches

    Hello Mr Lovecraft
    The Horst Wessel watermark belongs to a seller of Fourth Reich garbage who peddles his wares on Ioffer.


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