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Theft of shoes from WW2 death camp

Article about: Eight shoes belonging to Jewish Holocaust victims have been stolen from a former concentration camp in Poland. The theft took place at the Majdanek museum near Lublin between 18 and 20 Novem

  1. #1

    Default Theft of shoes from WW2 death camp

    Theft of shoes from WW2 death camp

    Eight shoes belonging to Jewish Holocaust victims have been stolen from a former concentration camp in Poland.

    The theft took place at the Majdanek museum near Lublin between 18 and 20 November, police said.

    Previous items stolen from the museum include victim's ashes and a cap from a prisoner.

    More than 78,000 people were sent to the gas chambers at Majdanek which was built by the Nazis in 1941 and abandoned in 1944.

    The shoes were reported missing after a museum employee realised that a wire net over a display of 56,000 shoes had been cut.

    A spokesman from the museum said that the exhibit aimed to show visitors the scale of the Nazis' crime.

    He said that the theft was "a great loss to the museum" as these objects have "huge historical value."

    In 2013, a Jewish prisoner's hat was stolen from Majdanak but was later recovered by the FBI after the thief tried to sell it online.

    The ashes of victims from the camp's crematorium were also stolen in 1989 but were never recovered.

    BBC News - Thieves steal Holocaust victims' shoes at Polish museum

  2. #2


    Quite sad really and what goes through a persons mind that wants to pinch shoes from here, obviously either sick in the head or profit driven!

  3. #3

    Default Majdanek Thief early in November!

    Just heard about this...
    People like these should be executed!!!
    If you steal something like this you steal the souls of millions of people tortured and killed under the Nazi boot...

    BBC News - Thieves steal Holocaust victims' shoes at Polish museum

  4. #4


    Always the bridesmaid.....

    Theft of shoes from WW2 death camp
    'I do not think we can hope for any better thing now.
    We shall stick it out to the end, but we are getting weaker of course, and the end cannot be far.
    It seems a pity, but I do not think I can write more. R. SCOTT.
    Last Entry - For God's sake look after our people.'

    In memory of Capt. Robert Falcon Scott, Edward Wilson, Henry Bowers, Lawrence Oates and Edgar Evans. South Pole Expedition, 30th March 1912.

  5. #5


    Quite depressing really to think that someone having taken time to visit this significant place then behaves in such a way.

    At best an ingorant souvenir hunter lacking respect and not actually appreciating what the display commemorates. At worst a total low life just out to make a bob or two selling his pathetic trophy. Hopefully it would be quite difficult to sell these through any auction site.

    Just one thing though, how do we know that it is eight shoes?



  6. #6



  7. #7


    yes sick not far from the lLLegal excavations on KL sites in Poland

    when found the thief's, they should be sent off to a north Korean labor camp for 6 months, they would learn their lesson after that

  8. #8


    Sad $hit man.
    I hope the spirits of those that owned the shoes follow and plague them for the rest of their lives.

  9. #9


    That is terrible. It's morbid! What kind of POS would do that. I also hope that they will be cursed till the end of times!!
    When they get to the pearly gates they will surely be sent to the "Going Down" elevator.
    Semper Fi

  10. #10


    Yet another example of the lack of respect that seems to be increasing around anything to do with the sites and artefacts of the KL system. These people have no shame and I hope they get their filthy fingers caught in a trap when they try and sell these items. Leon.

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