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Yellow Badge Star of David Jude (Jew). Opinion needed

Article about: Hello, can someone help me with this item ? Seller quaranted me then this is original piece, but it does not looks like originals I know so I think it should be fake....Thanks all for help.

  1. #1

    Default Yellow Badge Star of David Jude (Jew). Opinion needed

    can someone help me with this item ? Seller quaranted me then this is original piece, but it does not looks like originals I know so I think it should be fake....Thanks all for help.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Yellow Badge Star of David Jude (Jew). Opinion needed   Yellow Badge Star of David Jude (Jew). Opinion needed  

    Yellow Badge Star of David Jude (Jew). Opinion needed   Yellow Badge Star of David Jude (Jew). Opinion needed  

    Yellow Badge Star of David Jude (Jew). Opinion needed   Yellow Badge Star of David Jude (Jew). Opinion needed  

    Yellow Badge Star of David Jude (Jew). Opinion needed   Yellow Badge Star of David Jude (Jew). Opinion needed  

  2. #2


    The cloth looks quite strange to me and the blue thread looks like an add on to make it look the part. But wait for others to contribute their opinion.

  3. #3
    JMM is offline


    Never seen one in this type of material
    I'm not an expert but looks fake to me

  4. #4


    Pass on it.
    Fortune favors the brave 644th td

  5. #5


    Almost looks like it has been done with a Sharpie ! as said the material is very strange. Not something I would see as original.

  6. #6


    I agree that the material looks strange as does the lettering and lines. Not at all what I would expect of period production. Also the wear on the material looks very contrived as if it was shaved with a razor but without consideration to which areas should be more threadbare than others.

    To qualify my opinion I must admit I have little knowledge of these items specifically as I don't have one and would not consider adding such a thing to my collection. Display in a museum is one thing but too ghoulish for my collection.

    However, I base my opinion on years of handling similarly manufactured items which has taught me about material wear patterns and ageing etc.


    PS Just as a matter of interest, do you know what part of the world this item was (supposedly) found in?
    Last edited by Watchdog; 11-01-2020 at 10:30 AM. Reason: Typo
    "War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing he cares more about than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature with no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."

  7. #7


    Quote by Watchdog View Post
    To qualify my opinion I must admit I have little knowledge of these items specifically as I don't have one and would not consider adding such a thing to my collection. Display in a museum is one thing but too ghoulish for my collection.
    Not something I would personally want either, but it is strange how people view Holocaust items when compared to SS items. Holocaust related items are viewed as something which are connected with dreadful atrocities, and no-one should want to own them. But anything relating to the SS, the very organisation which committed those dreadful crimes against the Jews - and others - is highly collectable and much sought after. What a crazy world we live in!


  8. #8


    Quote by HARRY THE MOLE View Post
    Not something I would personally want either, but it is strange how people view Holocaust items when compared to SS items. Holocaust related items are viewed as something which are connected with dreadful atrocities, and no-one should want to own them. But anything relating to the SS, the very organisation which committed those dreadful crimes against the Jews - and others - is highly collectable and much sought after. What a crazy world we live in!

    I agree Steve but I put it down to the massively diverse nature of the SS. I have no interest in "That" side of the organisation yet the purely military aspects of the Waffens SS (notwithstanding numerous attrocities by them - but that is a subject in itself) I find worthy of academic consideration although the "Cool factor" (or is it ghoulish fascination?) passes me by completely as it does with any "elite" formation from Legion Etrange 2eme REP to the SAS as IMO none of them out-fought the Lancashire Fusiliers at Galipoli for example. The circumstances were just different. Anyway, I should not digress


    Last edited by Watchdog; 11-01-2020 at 02:14 PM. Reason: Typo
    "War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing he cares more about than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature with no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."

  9. #9


    I agree whole heartedly that these KZ items should be donated to museums or local synagogues that some have displays of remembrance of this dark period in human history. No Doubt !

    A close Jewish friend of mine who I lost touch with after I graduated high school and reunited about 5 years ago through Facebook commented to me and asked the question after seeing my collection of mixed items of the Third Reich period .... " Why do you have this / collect it?...Dont you realize the horror and the human suffering including my grandparents what had happened to them? ( End quote )

    I gently replied if it were for not people like me who upholds that memory of that dark time so that it is NOT forgotten ,,then may I ask who then is qualified to be " chosen " to collect and maintain that past so it is not forgotten ?

    I also explained it takes a special person which I am not qualified to become a paramedic arriving on scenes of horrible traffic accidents of childrens bodies thrown over a highway in a great mess.... I would lose my mind and fall apart not being able to help anyone nor should I become an animal cop arriving to see neglected pets ...I would lose my job on the first day after beating the owner. ...Those jobs take a special person who is chosen.

    Collecting and maintaining the history of this dark time period is for those who are chosen to do so. Not all can collect this stuff ..and is felt in the pit of the stomachs of those ..who I feel the same seeing highway carnage. Should I not uphold history never to be forgotten and leave it to half assed museums which the majority of people never get to see ...yet we as collectors ..which there are more of can teach and remind those of our generation and the next what what had happened so that hopefully that it doesnt happen again.

    The SS and the whole Third Reich Hierarchy are heinous and I agree. I asked my friend " would you be a denier that I was denied to uphold the remembrance of Jewish Suffering and Im Italian ...who then should be able ?

    9 months later in September my friend attended the Max Show in Pittsburg to which there was astonishment and also amazement that there was so many other cultures who attended Jewish included who purchased items. Items from many Axis forces ...Collectors from the Far East to the West attended. It was a walk through the ornate and horror at the same time..but a lesson why these shows continue.

    There are also the narrow minded knotheads that also attend furthering their own agenda of hate collecting. These people will be found out in time.

    Having a few SS items in my collection in the beginning creeped me out ..yet I began to research "Why " it creeped me out and found out that it was the annihilation of humans ..a sick idea of purity and race cleansing.
    When we collect we are reporting what had happened ...its as simple as reporting other type dangers we all have to live through in life that we dont get injured or hurt.

    I said this before many times here on this forum and other forums and also outside of the forums ..Not everyone can do this and it takes a special who is chosen ...the same as becoming a paramedic,,. to do what we do here preserving history.
    Its not only a hobby... its a life work that benefits the past and the future.

    Regards Larry
    It is not the size of a Collection in History that matters......Its the size of your Passion for it!! - Larry C

    One never knows what tree roots push to the surface of what laid buried before the tree was planted - Larry C

    “The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.” - Winston Churchill

  10. #10


    Quote by Larry C View Post
    I agree whole heartedly that these KZ items should be donated to museums or local synagogues that some have displays of remembrance of this dark period in human history. No Doubt !

    A close Jewish friend of mine who I lost touch with after I graduated high school and reunited about 5 years ago through Facebook commented to me and asked the question after seeing my collection of mixed items of the Third Reich period .... " Why do you have this / collect it?...Dont you realize the horror and the human suffering including my grandparents what had happened to them? ( End quote )

    I gently replied if it were for not people like me who upholds that memory of that dark time so that it is NOT forgotten ,,then may I ask who then is qualified to be " chosen " to collect and maintain that past so it is not forgotten ?

    I also explained it takes a special person which I am not qualified to become a paramedic arriving on scenes of horrible traffic accidents of childrens bodies thrown over a highway in a great mess.... I would lose my mind and fall apart not being able to help anyone nor should I become an animal cop arriving to see neglected pets ...I would lose my job on the first day after beating the owner. ...Those jobs take a special person who is chosen.

    Collecting and maintaining the history of this dark time period is for those who are chosen to do so. Not all can collect this stuff ..and is felt in the pit of the stomachs of those ..who I feel the same seeing highway carnage. Should I not uphold history never to be forgotten and leave it to half assed museums which the majority of people never get to see ...yet we as collectors ..which there are more of can teach and remind those of our generation and the next what what had happened so that hopefully that it doesnt happen again.

    The SS and the whole Third Reich Hierarchy are heinous and I agree. I asked my friend " would you be a denier that I was denied to uphold the remembrance of Jewish Suffering and Im Italian ...who then should be able ?

    9 months later in September my friend attended the Max Show in Pittsburg to which there was astonishment and also amazement that there was so many other cultures who attended Jewish included who purchased items. Items from many Axis forces ...Collectors from the Far East to the West attended. It was a walk through the ornate and horror at the same time..but a lesson why these shows continue.

    There are also the narrow minded knotheads that also attend furthering their own agenda of hate collecting. These people will be found out in time.

    Having a few SS items in my collection in the beginning creeped me out ..yet I began to research "Why " it creeped me out and found out that it was the annihilation of humans ..a sick idea of purity and race cleansing.
    When we collect we are reporting what had happened ...its as simple as reporting other type dangers we all have to live through in life that we dont get injured or hurt.

    I said this before many times here on this forum and other forums and also outside of the forums ..Not everyone can do this and it takes a special who is chosen ...the same as becoming a paramedic,,. to do what we do here preserving history.
    Its not only a hobby... its a life work that benefits the past and the future.

    Regards Larry
    Very true Larry and it is a recurring question that I often counter simply by asking "what's the difference between this and a Roman Gladius or Mayan sacrificial dagger?" setting aside scale (which one can argue is relative to historical circumstance) and the intervening length of time there is never a logical answer!

    As the saying goes; "Those who fail to remeber the mistakes of history are condemmned to repeat them"


    "War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing he cares more about than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature with no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."

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