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Buffalo Naval Park Living History

Article about: This weekend Mo and I went to Buffalo New York, for a living history. We stayed on the USS Little Rock and next to the USS Sullivans and USS Croaker. There were many other Vehicles and ships

  1. #1

    Default Buffalo Naval Park Living History

    This weekend Mo and I went to Buffalo New York, for a living history. We stayed on the USS Little Rock and next to the USS Sullivans and USS Croaker. There were many other Vehicles and ships as well. We had pretty much free roam of the ships when they were closed to the public (access to any un padlocked doors...). It was a great time and there was a remembrance ceremony for the recent fallen in the US military. I portrayed a US infantrymen and an AAF gunner... the gunner didnt last long because of the hot weather. Here are some pictures hope you enjoy.

    For some reason the picture uploader is not working...

  2. #2

    Default Re: Buffalo Naval Park Living History

  3. #3

    Default Re: Buffalo Naval Park Living History

    Hey Ben,

    I saw the pics on facebook last night. Awesome!

    How well did you sleep?
    Last edited by GIZMO8Z; 06-18-2012 at 01:07 PM.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Buffalo Naval Park Living History

    Hahaha sleep... not much the bunks were some what comfortable but I had to much exploring to do. lol

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