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New WR Forum member - Luftwaffe Buckle ID

Article about: Hello forum members, I'm new to WR and would like some assitance with some info on a belt buckle. All I really know is it's steel. It has no stamp on the inside face that I can see. The orig

  1. #1

    Default New WR Forum member - Luftwaffe Buckle ID

    Hello forum members,
    I'm new to WR and would like some assitance with some info on a belt buckle. All I really know is it's steel. It has no stamp on the inside face that I can see. The original black/charcoal paint can still be seen on the inside. New WR Forum member - Luftwaffe Buckle IDNew WR Forum member - Luftwaffe Buckle IDWhat can you tell me about it?

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  3. #2

    Default Re: New WR Forum member - Luftwaffe Buckle ID

    Hello and welcome to the buckle forum and the Warrelics forum in general your unmarked buckle is indeed original and it was made by the maker J C Maedicke, Berlin. We can tell from the eagle, the catch and the ears that it was made by this maker, I have enclosed a Heer example by the same maker, look at the ears from the rear and you will see they are the same
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture New WR Forum member - Luftwaffe Buckle ID   New WR Forum member - Luftwaffe Buckle ID  

    New WR Forum member - Luftwaffe Buckle ID  

  4. #3

    Default Re: New WR Forum member - Luftwaffe Buckle ID

    Welcome to the forum mate

    Regards, Lars (Danish guy in Russia)

  5. #4

    Default Re: New WR Forum member - Luftwaffe Buckle ID

    Thanks very much for the welcome and the fascinating information. From what I've read, a variety of small firms were contracted to make these and other buckles etc. Did J C Maedicke also make other items?

  6. #5

    Default Re: New WR Forum member - Luftwaffe Buckle ID

    I think they made awards as well, I have just done a quick search and come up with Krim Shields, cuff titles, breast eagles so they probably had other contracts, M5, M1, etc

  7. #6

    Default Re: New WR Forum member - Luftwaffe Buckle ID

    Longbar: Welcome aboard! I am sure that you have already noticed that you came to the right place. The knowledge to be tapped on this Forum is huge in scope. The Best to you, Dwight

  8. #7

    Default Re: New WR Forum member - Luftwaffe Buckle ID

    Welcome to the forum!! great looking buckle..
    I specialize in M1 carbines and Lugers.

  9. #8

    Default Re: New WR Forum member - Luftwaffe Buckle ID

    Thanks! Impressive... a truly international group. Can anyone suggest the year this buckle may have been made?

  10. #9

    Default Re: New WR Forum member - Luftwaffe Buckle ID

    I would say between 40 and 43, they started using steel buckles 1940 onwards, the order to stop using aluminium came out in 1939

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