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Unit marked Luftwaffe belt buckle 1938

Article about: Hello I, am trying to fin some information on this Luft. buckle. Leather tab has LAB & a oval with unreadable title, 1938 & Ludenscheid. The other side of tab has the following, Fl.

  1. #1

    Default Unit marked Luftwaffe belt buckle 1938

    Hello I, am trying to fin some information on this Luft. buckle. Leather tab has LAB & a oval with unreadable title, 1938 & Ludenscheid. The other side of tab has the following, Fl. H. Kot.Fw. I, am unsure of the "ot & w". Buckle marked AdB L in circle. Any Info. would be much appreciated. Thanks John
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Unit marked Luftwaffe belt buckle 1938   Unit marked Luftwaffe belt buckle 1938  

    Unit marked Luftwaffe belt buckle 1938   Unit marked Luftwaffe belt buckle 1938  

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement Unit marked Luftwaffe belt buckle 1938
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  3. #2


    Hi John and welcome to the forum, the buckle is made by Adolf Baumeister, Ludenscheid in 1938, in ref tot he unit mark I will have to have a look and see which unit it is.


  4. #3


    FLH perhaps Flughalle Airfield or hanger...G
    I'd rather be A "RaD Man than a Mad Man "

  5. #4


    its a very nice buckle.

  6. #5


    Nice Luft buckle, welcome to the forum John...

  7. #6


    Ahhh... My manners sometimes are daft... John.. Welcome to the Forum... My very first buckle was a Adb. Ludenshied... Just like yours..
    Without the nice LBA / Reg. markings... Again... look forward to many new finds and posts from you... Gwar
    I'd rather be A "RaD Man than a Mad Man "

  8. #7


    Hi all

    A very nice buckle indeed! BTW, "Fl H Kdr" is for Fliegerhorst-Kommandantur, and is followed by the Fliegerhorst's name (Fliegerhorst is the designation for a Luftwaffe airstrip). Sorry, can't make out the name.

    Kind regards

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