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EK2 "ED" maker mark help

Article about: Although this looks like "FO" I believe there is no maker for 1914 crosses with those initials. I assume it is a poorly struck "ED"?, any other opinions? C

  1. #1

    Default EK2 "ED" maker mark help

    Although this looks like "FO" I believe there is no maker for 1914 crosses with those initials. I assume it is a poorly struck "ED"?, any other opinions?

    EK2 "ED" maker mark help

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  3. #2


    I think you are correct.
    Can you show the full front side of the cross.
    Live to ride -- Ride to live

    I was addicted to the "Hokey-Pokey" but I've turned
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  4. #3


    No worries..

    EK2 "ED" maker mark help

  5. #4


    I believe that it is a ED.
    That style core matches other ED marked crosses. It's one of a couple
    different cores that they used. The frame could also be a match but it's
    difficult to say for sure.
    Live to ride -- Ride to live

    I was addicted to the "Hokey-Pokey" but I've turned
    myself around.

  6. #5


    Thanks Greg, have this for your files..

    EK2 "ED" maker mark help

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