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Imperial Germany EK1's

Article about: How can you tell from a real 1870 from a fake since most I have even seen are not in silver and no iron core. I have an example here so can you tell me if a copy or real? thank you

  1. #1

    Default Imperial Germany EK1's

    How can you tell from a real 1870 from a fake since most I have even seen are not in silver and no iron core. I have an example here so can you tell me if a copy or real? thank youImperial Germany EK1'sImperial Germany EK1's

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  3. #2


    Quote by rhodesia View Post
    How can you tell from a real 1870 from a fake since most I have even seen are not in silver and no iron core. I have an example here so can you tell me if a copy or real? thank you
    Every original 1870 I own or have ever handled has an Iron core and almost
    every one has had a silver frame.

    The example that you have posted is a horribly done 1 piece cast fake that is very common on
    ebay. The one posted is very easy to spot as a fake. The over / under style of loops in the "8"
    in the 1870 date are all wrong as is the pot hole look of the crown. Also just by a quick glace
    at the frame beading, it's easy to tell that this cross is one piece not separate frames and core.

    This one is commonly known as the "Deschler fake" or the "pot hole fake" It is found with many
    different makers marks and with different style pins, hooks and screwbacks for attachment.

    If you are really interested in learning about 1870s, I suggest reading this translation of a article
    printed in Germany about 10 years ago.

    BDOS Article - 1870 EK's - Page 2 - Militaria Forums

    I would also suggest looking through the Imperial Eks thread pinned at the top of this forum.
    There are several 1870s posted in it.
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    I was addicted to the "Hokey-Pokey" but I've turned
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  4. #3


    Here are some more of the fake 1870 that you posted.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Imperial Germany EK1's   Imperial Germany EK1's  

    Imperial Germany EK1's  
    Live to ride -- Ride to live

    I was addicted to the "Hokey-Pokey" but I've turned
    myself around.

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