I pick up this Franco-Prussian Medal bar the other day. I think that it looks OK, but I would like any input (are the Campaign bars correct?).
I pick up this Franco-Prussian Medal bar the other day. I think that it looks OK, but I would like any input (are the Campaign bars correct?).
Georg, these medals are good, however you have a right to be worried re/ the "Campaign bars", as they are reproduced, although these look to be fine, have a look at the fixings, they were usually attached by 2 prongs, also see if the ribbon underneath looks new, are there indentations in the ribbon from the bars, indicating that they have been there some time ? (that is if you can access the ribbons, if not dont worry)...these are points that can only be assessed in "hand". Check to see if the 1870/1 medal (Preussen. Kriegsdenkmünze 1870-1871 für Kämpfer, Bronze) is engraved along its edge, ‘AUS EROBERTEM GESCHUETZ’ (from captured cannon), although there are period medals that lack this inscription, I have one, there were 2 versions of this medal, bronze for combatants and silver coloured for non-combatants....The "Konniggratz" Commemorative Cross for 1866 (Preussen. Erinnerungskreuz 1866 mit der Inscrift ‘Königgrätz’) is fine, The medal was cast from the bronze of captured Austrian cannon. There were 4 versions of this medal. Firstly, for those present at the battle. Secondly, for members of the "Army of the Main". Thirdly, for "Trueue Kriegen" (not at the battle, nor a member of the Army of the Main) and fourthly, a non-combatants version, yours is the first. All in all a good set !
Prost ! Steve.
Last edited by oradour; 11-09-2010 at 09:39 PM.
Nice little set, Georg....
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