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Need insight on an Auctioneer

Article about: I heard of the name ..but how is the credibility of Stephen Bosely Bosleys Specialist Military and Medal Auctioneers

  1. #1

    Default Need insight on an Auctioneer

    I heard of the name ..but how is the credibility of Stephen Bosely

    Bosleys Specialist Military and Medal Auctioneers
    It is not the size of a Collection in History that matters......Its the size of your Passion for it!! - Larry C

    “The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.” - Winston Churchill

  2. #2


    I don't know about them but read this from their website
    it's really eye-opening:

    Following several years of uncertainty with the law regarding de-activated weapons, which has not only baffled specialist dealers but also collectors, the law was finally clarified in July 2018. it is ILLEGAL to sell or exchange a weapon unless it is accompanied by a European Union Certificate issued after July 2018. There are no exceptions to this rule. This means for many collectors, families or beneficiaries of deceased estates are left in some cases with thousands of pounds assets that can not be sold but only, to be surrendered to the police for destruction. Bosleys in conjunction with our sister Company Marlows of Stafford are the only UK Auction Houses that understands this problem and offers sellers an alternative. When out of date certificated weapons are consigned to auction, we offer a service where we will organise an upgrade of de-activation and arrange certification to current EU regulations, thus allowing the weapons to be sold. This is done as cost price and will be retrieved after the weapon is sold. For more information on this service see our Bosleys News article or call us for help.

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