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Flea market pick-ups

Article about: Hello. I went to a flea market today. Few Militaria items, and what was there was grossly overpriced. But I managed to walk away with a half mannequin with detachable arms for \\$20 and two ve

  1. #1

    Default Flea market pick-ups

    Hello. I went to a flea market today. Few Militaria items, and what was there was grossly overpriced. But I managed to walk away with a half mannequin with detachable arms for $20 and two velvet necklace display stands, $10 for both (one below shows my 1957 KC). Not too shabby.

    Flea market pick-ups
    Flea market pick-ups

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  3. #2


    Nice finds. The 1/2 mannequin is a steal at that price.

  4. #3
    MAP is offline


    Those are great! Jealous.......Good find!
    "Please", Thank You" and proper manners appreciated

    My greatest fear is that one day I will die and my wife will sell my guns for what I told her I paid for them

    "Don't tell me these are investments if you never intend to sell anything" (Quote: Wife)

  5. #4


    That's a cool idea for the Knights Cross, sweet prices too

  6. #5


    Thanks! The lady I got them from was a jewelry vendor. I talked her into selling me two. They weren't even for sale, LOL!

  7. #6


    That is a great deal!! I'm looking for two male's and one female mannequin to complete my USAAF display and those bad boy's are not cheap.
    That black display totally bring out the great looks of that Knights cross!!!!

    Semper Fi

  8. #7


    Quote by AZPhil View Post
    That is a great deal!! I'm looking for two male's and one female mannequin to complete my USAAF display and those bad boy's are not cheap.
    That black display totally bring out the great looks of that Knights cross!!!!

    Semper Fi
    Hey Phil. You ain't kidding! Mannequins are expensive items. I'm hoping my mint unissued M33 tunic fits on this one, once I finish paying it off on lay away. I frequently check craigslist for mannequins, and for stores going out of business. I have found that mannequins sell very fast.

  9. #8


    Nice score
    Goodwill is great for mannequins - I got 2 half ones at $20 each

  10. #9


    I might have to check into goodwill. We have one a few miles away, and another further down the road. One of which someone decided to drive their car into last week, lol. Hopefully they didn't take out the mannequins, lol.

  11. #10


    I think you did VERY well!

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