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Forks of the Delaware Show

Article about: July 8th. and 9th. is the Forks of the Delaware Show in Allentown,Pa.. Rich A. in Pa.

  1. #1

    Default Forks of the Delaware Show

    July 7th., 8th. and 9th. is the Forks of the Delaware Show in Allentown,Pa.. Rich A. in Pa.
    1969 Shelby GT-500 King of the Road
    Knowledge is power, guard it well.

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement Forks of the Delaware Show
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  3. #2


    I'll be there

    "Only a pimp in a cheap Louisiana whore house carries a pearl handled revolver"
    - General George Smith Patton Jr.

  4. #3


    I will be there today at 12:00 for set up. Rich A. in Pa.
    1969 Shelby GT-500 King of the Road
    Knowledge is power, guard it well.

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