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Pics : Vimoutiers Militaria Bourse & a KwK42 box....

Article about: Some careful last-minute holiday travel rescheduling just happened to place me in Vimoutiers for the recent Militaria market ( itself tied-in with the Panther Ausf A visit to Mont Ormel just

  1. #1

    Talking Pics : Vimoutiers Militaria Bourse & a KwK42 box....

    Some careful last-minute holiday travel rescheduling just happened to place me in Vimoutiers for the recent Militaria market ( itself tied-in with the Panther Ausf A visit to Mont Ormel just down the road ).

    Having picked up a relic KwK 42 casing at W&P I'm in a bit of a 'Panther' phase at the moment and rather hoped to find something.......

    Anyhow, I just love these early-morning Continental fairs ; and this one was literally 3 minutes' walk from the hotel.

    Pics : Vimoutiers Militaria Bourse & a KwK42 box....

    A Steyr was parked nearby ( I don't think it was for sale )

    Pics : Vimoutiers Militaria Bourse & a KwK42 box....

    The usual early queue of hardy collectors -

    Pics : Vimoutiers Militaria Bourse & a KwK42 box....

    And in we go. Onlyy 35 stalls, some nice bits'n'pieces, but nothing I really 'need'.

    Pics : Vimoutiers Militaria Bourse & a KwK42 box....

    I look down the hall and there's a long box on the floor, right by the entrance. I'd walked straight in and missed it. The seller has only a few things (FF33s, gasmask canisters, etc ) but I close the box lid and see 'KwK42'. It's knocked about and full of woodworm and cobwebs, but I MUST HAVE IT ! 'Combien?' 'Trente'...and I don't even haggle.

    Normandy author Didier Lodieu is signing books nearby and smiles - telling me that it's genuinely from a Falaise Gap barn and was found only recently. I couldn't go without buying one of M. Lodieu's books, which he kindly inscribes for me...

    Pics : Vimoutiers Militaria Bourse & a KwK42 box....

    I only just manage to fit the box into the car. Later, after I clean out all the rubbish ( and treat the wood, injecting every hole ) the all-important stencils and labels are present and correct. I am well chuffed !

    Pics : Vimoutiers Militaria Bourse & a KwK42 box....

    Pics : Vimoutiers Militaria Bourse & a KwK42 box....

    Pics : Vimoutiers Militaria Bourse & a KwK42 box....

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  3. #2


    Cool box.

  4. #3


    Quote by cricketchris1944 View Post
    Cool box.
    I noticed that you have a similar one ( but in nicer condition ). M. Lodieu ( who is an authority on Panzers in Normandy ) confirmed that this is a scarce item to find.......

  5. #4


    the prices looked resonable as well.

  6. #5


    Thank you I do have two of them from Bayeux Normandy.
    I remember meeting MR Lodieu years ago in Bayeux I think it was.

  7. #6

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