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War and Peace Revival Show (UK) 2023

Article about: …web site says it’s canned this year….”for the foreseeable”

  1. #1

    Default War and Peace Revival Show (UK) 2023

    …web site says it’s canned this year….”for the foreseeable”

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  3. #2


    Disappointing news, but not at all unexpected. Starting to think those naysayers who said the show would never come back after Covid are onto something . . .


  4. #3


    There’s a lot of cheering now that this one appears to have failed…people didn’t like price increases (happens everywhere for everything), didn’t like being charged for things that have previously been free (things change), don’t like paying more for improved services (better showers)…and dealers not liking price increases proposed for the public….well now’s there’s no Show….for no-one. If some one had the balls to take on the risks associated with such a big show…, insurance, facilities, security, dealers, public etc etc I’d expect them to make a good return…..and I want dealers to make a turn too…..and I want a great event for the public (and for them to pay a fair price for it). I sincerely hope this one rises from the ashes…and that everyone supports it…..but as long as everyone wants what used to be they’ll not get what COULD be.

  5. #4


    Very sad. I admit I didn't buy much militaria there over the years (mainly online), but it was great to see the hard work and detail that went into the re-enactors portrayals, the vehicles etc. It was also a great place to meet friends and network with other collectors and find a few 'nick nacks' among the 1000 or so stalls. The end of an era, although we still have the excellent Military Odyssey show at Detling (slightly later in the year) which I have and will continue to support to the hilt! It hasn't been as big or impressive as the War and Peace show over the years but as nature abhors a vacuum I suspect it will grow as a result of W&P's demise. As mentioned above, things have changed for the worse since 2020, I sometimes think of 2019 as the 'last good year'...

    Regards, Paul

  6. #5


    .......the contact address given on their site is a Licensed Insolvency Practitioner.....

  7. #6


    It was saved from the brink once before when Rex Cadman retired. Hopefully the same can happen again.


  8. #7


    My fingers are crossed….but everyone will probably have accept that things will change. It moved to Folkestone and survived. Without the European hoardes there’s nowt to insist that Kent is THE place going forward…..a more central location may be more attractive….

    Oh well…..

  9. #8

    Thumbs up

    Sitting here gloating over some of the stuff I bought off Continental dealers at Beltring from 1998-2018. Good times......

  10. #9


    Totally agreed. Not sure if those days will ever come back - the flow seems to be to Ciney nowadays rather than coming our way……

    Things change……sometimes the past was better but Brexit impact, COVID, and financials have perhaps been the perfect storm…..for a while at least……

    It’s surprising how much of a Social “do” W&P was with quite a few folk relying on it to bring like minds together…

  11. #10


    I shan't hold my breath.......UK fairs are a bit like the chewing gum that's lost its flavour for me now that my '37 Pattern webbing collection is just about complete

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