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West Coast Historical Militaria Collectors Show

Article about: by DrCMH Today was my first time attending one of these shows. I think the best part, for me, was meeting Bob Hritz and having a chance to thank him for the advice he gives to us. I saw more

  1. #1

    Default West Coast Historical Militaria Collectors Show

    West Coast Historical Militaria Collectors Show on November 18th & 19th in Pomona, CA

    Me and the kid are going the morning of the 19th.

    West Coast Historical Militaria Collector Show: Pomona Fairplex

    Me a

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement West Coast Historical Militaria Collectors Show
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  3. #2

    Default Re: West Coast Historical Militaria Collectors Show

    I'll be there on Friday when it starts

  4. #3

    Default Re: West Coast Historical Militaria Collectors Show

    Ill be there hopefully, alikat and myself will be meeting up on the way in if anybody else wants to join!
    Last edited by sunsetIE; 11-12-2011 at 01:37 AM.

  5. #4

    Default Re: West Coast Historical Militaria Collectors Show

    If you happen to be going early on the 19th, we'll be there. We're easy to spot, I'm a short, balding at the top, long hair in the back, Indonesian with a silver feathered ear ring in one ear and my kids is a tall blue eyed blond haired teen....we look nothing alike! We'll be snooping around together.......

  6. #5

    Default Re: West Coast Historical Militaria Collectors Show

    haha youll likely spot me, im the 6'4 kid wearing glasses and likely my black DC hat!

  7. #6

    Default Re: West Coast Historical Militaria Collectors Show

    You fella`s, sure have great militaria shows over there.
    For me the closest show is in spain

  8. #7

    Default Re: West Coast Historical Militaria Collectors Show

    I'll keep an eye out for you....but I'll have to keep looking UP! You've got damn near a foot on me......

  9. #8

    Default Re: West Coast Historical Militaria Collectors Show

    Nuno, It's the only large show I have ever gone to so I have nothing to compare to, but I guess it's allright, seems to draw a decent crowd but I think it has only a hundred vendors, at most. Me and the kid spend more time searching antique shops and a couple small swap meets we have out here, looking for treasures.


  10. #9

    Default Re: West Coast Historical Militaria Collectors Show

    this will be my first show, and id like to come home with some cool relics! Are many of the vendors reputable or should we be on the lookout for frauds?

  11. #10

    Default Re: West Coast Historical Militaria Collectors Show

    Sunset, I couldn't tell you for sure, I'm no expert on what is fake an what is not, most of the kind of stuff me and the kid pick up is not collectable or valuable enough for people to bother with fakes. This is a regular show and the few times I have been, many of the same sellers so I would have to think they must be reputable but again, I'm no expert. Plenty of german militaria and other good stuff...from relic cheep to high dollar better know your stuff stuff!

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