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    General der Infanterie Franz Beyer erkennungsmarke

    Hello, here is my latest collection of items I've acquired.

    Best regards

    06-21-2024, 02:06 PM

    I need some help identifying and dating these medals.

    I would be most grateful if any of the learned members in the forum could

    give me considerable help by naming these medals and therefore

    06-21-2024, 12:11 PM

    Waffen-ss m44 "pea dot" camo field tunic

    Hi everyone,

    I came across this interesting tunic. What do you think about this one. Descibed as a Waffen-SS M44 field tunic tailored from

    06-21-2024, 12:42 PM

    New and have a question about my DAK Helmet shields and if they are buntmetall


    I recently picked these up and they just got

    06-21-2024, 11:22 AM

    Flächentarn jacket II/60

    Great jacket, happy to share with you folks. The Flächentarn jacket was modified in late 1959,
    at that time it lost its front vertical pockets

    06-21-2024, 12:52 PM

    1931 Reichswehr Tunic With Early Eagle

    Here’s a pretty sweet tunic I just picked up, it’s absolutely perfect for what I have wanted in my collection and it fits perfectly with my collection

    06-21-2024, 02:33 PM
  • "BeVo" SS cuff titles: how to spot original from fake

    Hi Guys, as this question comes up very often, I thought it would be useful to place a pinned thread on the subject?

    The key to determining an original from a fake, like so many other German items, is the reverse.

    Here is the edge detail of an original. Note the pattern of the weave and how it forms a series of small almost even sized white "dots" right near the edge of the cuff title? This is only seen on originals.

    The chequered black and white weave which forms the back of the title is known to collectors as "salt and pepper" weave.
    This article was originally published in forum thread: "BeVo" SS cuff titles: how to spot original from fake started by Adrian Stevenson View original post
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