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    Artillerie Tunic M36, Leutnant Rupert Schrode

    I recently bought this Artillery Tunic by Leutnant Rupert Schrode, it is named in the pocket with his name and Juli 1940, together with it came (sadly

    10-05-2024, 04:04 AM

    General Questions M43

    Hi guys, I'm still on the hunt for a cheap M43 (they apparently dont go together) and have some general questions to help aid my search for authentic

    10-05-2024, 07:47 AM

    5th kresowa infantry division records translation!

    I know my grandfather was in the 5th kresowa infantry division, but I’m trying to figure out more details about exactly what regiment or company he

    10-05-2024, 12:17 AM

    Interesting cigarette case

    Here is a well-worn cigarette case that practically oozes history. An unusual example, this is personalized, having the soldier's name in English, as

    10-05-2024, 01:01 AM

    Named M35 DD Heer - Stalingrad Relic

    Hi all

    Here's my named relic M35 DD with very decent paint and decals for a relic. It's named to "Kimmel" and was found in Stalingrad.

    10-04-2024, 10:09 PM

    Barn Find M35 DD Luftwaffe

    Hi all

    This is my M35 DD Luftwaffe barn find that's almost a "Harvey Dent" helmet from Batman. One side is in very good condition,

    10-04-2024, 09:26 PM
  • "BeVo" SS cuff titles: how to spot original from fake

    Hi Guys, as this question comes up very often, I thought it would be useful to place a pinned thread on the subject?

    The key to determining an original from a fake, like so many other German items, is the reverse.

    Here is the edge detail of an original. Note the pattern of the weave and how it forms a series of small almost even sized white "dots" right near the edge of the cuff title? This is only seen on originals.

    The chequered black and white weave which forms the back of the title is known to collectors as "salt and pepper" weave.
    This article was originally published in forum thread: "BeVo" SS cuff titles: how to spot original from fake started by Adrian Stevenson View original post
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