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    New user

    I studied contemporary history and I teach history for over 20 years in high school in France (Normandy to be precise).
    I am very interested

    06-21-2024, 04:56 PM

    Erkennungsmarken from WW1


    Gefr. Henrich Sibert from Stuttgart
    Born: 1/7/1897

    This is where I am not sure. Gebirgs Regiment, 1st Machine

    06-21-2024, 04:47 PM

    F-NSFK badge with unknown manufacturer logo

    Hello everyone,

    Can anyone on this forum tell me who made these F-NSFK badges? I found these two on the Internet, and I can't find any

    06-21-2024, 04:41 PM

    Bahnhofswache gorget original ?


    What about this one
    I don't have more pics at the moment

    Original or not ?

    06-21-2024, 03:48 PM

    General der Infanterie Franz Beyer erkennungsmarke

    Hello, here is my latest collection of items I've acquired.

    Best regards

    06-21-2024, 02:06 PM

    I need some help identifying and dating these medals.

    I would be most grateful if any of the learned members in the forum could

    give me considerable help by naming these medals and therefore

    06-21-2024, 12:11 PM
  • The complete ATS Physical Training kit

    Hiya, ATS girls had to do PT like all other soldiers. So they needed a complete range of specially designed sports wear.

    Some of this is now very rare and almost impossible to find.

    I am going to feature each item in turn.

    Cheers, Lez.
    This article was originally published in forum thread: The complete ATS Physical Training kit started by larissa View original post
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