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    Translation help

    Hey guys, can someone please translate what the written message is? I appreciate your time.

    06-03-2024, 08:18 AM

    Flea Market German Helmet

    This was sitting on a table late in the day at the flea market today. I was quite surprised that no one else grabbed it as it was nearing 11 o'clock.

    06-03-2024, 08:23 AM

    Official weapon of youth organizations

    Fans of ceremonial weapons of youth organizations must have this trinity. The youth education system in the Third Reich was very diverse. And this does

    06-02-2024, 09:25 PM

    Ww2 Enthusiast but cannot ID who had this Identity disc.

    I have a ww2 german Identity disc I brought from Jersey with '1. Nachr. Kol. K.N.A. 50 59" written on it but no name or anything. What does it mean?

    06-02-2024, 09:23 PM
    Cameron Inglis

    Another Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2.Klasse ohne Schwerter

    Hi everyone, Here's one more war merit cross 1st Class with out swords, it's not maker marked, still a nice looking cross.

    06-02-2024, 09:27 PM

    HEER Helmet M-40 NS66

    Hello. I'm showing another helmet that looks good at first glance. This helmet looks very nice and well maintained which is a red flag. The lining also

    06-03-2024, 02:24 AM
  • Designer of the SA symbol known

    This is what the "Uniformen-Markt" from May 1, 1936 says on page 86:
    (published also in the magazine "Der SA-Mann", number 15 from 1936):
    the SA symbol originated from a 1929-contest, which was lauched by the
    SA High-Command. The design was handed over by Hans Zöberlein (the
    well-known poet) and the leader from Sturmbann II from Standarte "List"
    from Munich, Obersturmbannführer Max Zankl.

    The symbol was the old Teutonic sign for lightning together with the so-called
    "Mannrune" (the symbol of a stern and unbending man with a flaming sword).
    Both symbols were combined with a ring. Later the hook to connect both was

    Attachment 597110

    Maybe it was Heck who added the hook, but this is not mentioned!
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Is the designer of the SA symbol known? started by 4thskorpion View original post
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