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    Early style core.. any ideas?

    I have this cross, 1914 but the only others I can find with this core are 1870 EK2's. The base of the stalk is quite distinctive and the ring is marked

    10-06-2024, 10:39 AM

    K marked Non Combatant EKII

    A very recent pick up for me, 2 weeks ago, is this nice Non Combatant EK2 with a medium length of original silk ribbon. The cross is an early core and

    10-06-2024, 09:24 AM

    M36 Breast Eagle (Cut off tunic)

    Hey Insignia collectors,

    I Just purchased this M36 Breast eagle Cut off.
    Needing some help to authenticate if the stitching on this

    10-06-2024, 08:33 AM

    Unmarked DJ buckle

    One piece from my collection, unmarked DJ.

    Regards Jirka

    10-06-2024, 10:00 AM

    M40 heer single decal for 600$?

    I got this size 62 helmet for 600$. Does it looks good?

    10-06-2024, 08:37 AM

    DLV/RLB Buckle Opinions

    I think this is DLV, but unsure because of the controversy over the wing style. I ran across this buckle and wondering if it's legit. It's unmarked, not

    10-06-2024, 11:57 AM
  • incredible WW1 ground digged find!!!!!!!

    Attachment 239299Attachment 186914I'm sharing here with the WW1 aficionados,what i think is the most incredible find for a couple of years ,in our soil of France.
    A member of my french forum digged this stuff last week,in a kind of dump site.
    This is not something our eyes are able to see without instantly crying....
    And it's only the beginning,he's today back on the place and keep on diggin'!!
    Pics courtesy of Harvest.
    Russia's not the only place to dig,ha ha ha !!!France's first!!

    Attachment 186913Attachment 186915Attachment 186917Attachment 186924Attachment 186921Attachment 186918Attachment 186916Attachment 186923
    This article was originally published in forum thread: an incredible WW1 ground digged find!!!!!!! started by sebfrench76 View original post
    Comments 144 Comments
    1. Harvest's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      Harvest -
      Thanks mister!
    1. andyg's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      andyg -
      amazing find, a cut out camo in that condition from the ground!!!
      unheard of and rare as rocking horse s***
      more pics please
    1. GermanDotMilitaria's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      GermanDotMilitaria -
      wow. what an amazing find and at least it was a rubbish tip and not some grave digging Thanks for showing and sharing. Cheers, Torsten.
    1. iron's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      iron -
      amazing find
    1. iron's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      iron -
      amazing find
    1. ken68's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      ken68 -
      absolute amazing find , pictures are great

      cheers for sharing ken
    1. magnus pall ragnarsson's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      magnus pall ragnarsson -
      Hi guys nice photos
    1. generalmonty's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      generalmonty -
      I would kill for a German helmet
    1. Datrus's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      Datrus -
      Well. I can easily get you one mate
    1. deltaspecialforce's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      deltaspecialforce -
      Wow. This is simply amazing. Finding a bullet would make my year. It's all downhill from here, Harvest. Thank you for sharing this incredible story.
    1. Eduardo's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      Eduardo -
      Very cool!!!!!
    1. Harvest's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      Harvest -
      It's my pleasure!!!!
      Nice to see that you like!!
      In france we have chance to find some ww1 relics!!
      See you sirs!
    1. dease902's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      dease902 -
      Wow i need to move to Europe !
    1. Harvest's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      Harvest -
      hehe !!!
    1. sopysnipe01's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      sopysnipe01 -
      Great to see these WW1 items being recovered in such a good condition.

      I'm looking for similar sites that might contain aircraft parts, any suggestions ?.

    1. actiondonation's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      actiondonation -
      wow great news.hope it does not take the examination of our patience.
    1. Harvest's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      Harvest -
    1. davejb's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      davejb -
      Dont worry about it mate, just some scammer jumping in trying to get free advertising, it sometimes happens, but normally the posts removed
    1. Harvest's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      Harvest -
      Ah okay!
    1. neilfwhite1's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      neilfwhite1 -
      well jel
      great finds.
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