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    M1 Medic

    Allo friends! I just picked up this M1 medic; front seam, swivel, heat stamp 1094A, no liner. I know medic helmets are a minefield, so I'm curious everyone's

    09-17-2024, 06:40 PM

    Soldbuch Heinke - help please?

    If anyone can help me decipher this Soldbuch for an Artillery Man, it would be much appreciated.
    He served I believe in Heer Flak Artillery Brigade

    09-17-2024, 06:37 PM

    SS scull for visior hats. Genuine or copy?

    Hi there, until January 1st, 2023 I ran an antique shop (paper & collectables) in East Saxony. Within the past 15 years I got plenty of original Great

    09-17-2024, 06:44 PM

    Allgemeine SS uniform reenactment question

    I'm new in reenactment and I'm looking for help to know how to sew SS armband (yes might be a dumb question but I don't know how armbands

    09-17-2024, 06:56 PM

    R.A.S.C. grouping: Mk II helmet & BD blouse

    Not quite a mannequin yet, but rather a mere grouping, with a Mk II helmet flashed to the Royal Army Service Corps and found in 1944 on

    09-17-2024, 05:03 PM

    M35 se62 (?)

    hello everyone.
    this weekend i picked up this little M35 in a house clearance.
    it is in relic state but i could not resist picking it up.

    09-17-2024, 04:40 PM
  • incredible WW1 ground digged find!!!!!!!

    Attachment 239299Attachment 186914I'm sharing here with the WW1 aficionados,what i think is the most incredible find for a couple of years ,in our soil of France.
    A member of my french forum digged this stuff last week,in a kind of dump site.
    This is not something our eyes are able to see without instantly crying....
    And it's only the beginning,he's today back on the place and keep on diggin'!!
    Pics courtesy of Harvest.
    Russia's not the only place to dig,ha ha ha !!!France's first!!

    Attachment 186913Attachment 186915Attachment 186917Attachment 186924Attachment 186921Attachment 186918Attachment 186916Attachment 186923
    This article was originally published in forum thread: an incredible WW1 ground digged find!!!!!!! started by sebfrench76 View original post
    Comments 144 Comments
    1. tootstanner's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      tootstanner -
      Absolute awesome find!
    1. Thepro570's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      Thepro570 -
      Nice find, Ill take 3... SERIOUSLY
    1. mikethemover's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      mikethemover -
      Quote by Harvest View Post
      I'm selling some of these helmets so if you are interrested get contact me !
      how can i purchase one ?
    1. fredmi's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      fredmi -
      Wau. Have one of those helmets. But not strait from the ground!
    1. wildman's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      wildman -
      Amazing finds, was it a flooded gun position or bunker of some kind that became a battle field dump site?
    1. reza's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      reza -
      very gooooood
    1. reza's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      reza -

      i love..........
    1. avenger's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      avenger -
      Wow. Remarkably well preserved for being in a hole for so long.
    1. DeutscheTy93's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      DeutscheTy93 -
      This is amazing!
    1. chipsmiller's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      chipsmiller -
      Lucky Guys,all I ever fiind is scrapnel and bullets
    1. Glenn66's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      Glenn66 -
      My helmet, which came from this hoard...

      Attachment 877256
    1. hugheses81's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      hugheses81 -
      Wow great find
    1. The Devil's Bank's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      The Devil's Bank -
      Fantastic find, I'd love one of those Helmets..
    1. The Devil's Bank's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      The Devil's Bank -
      Great thread, great pictures too
    1. Glenn66's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      Glenn66 -
      When I bought mine 3 years ago Mathieu had only 4 left from memory so I suspect you might have missed the boat.
    1. Komandir's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      Komandir -
      im surprised about the nice condition of the helmets. Excellent!
    1. Hanomag83's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      Hanomag83 -
      Well, what can I say?!
    1. Rick19's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      Rick19 -
      Awesome! Thanks for showing.
    1. Pat74's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      Pat74 -
      Verry interessant!!
    1. Whisky's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      Whisky -
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