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    Hi from Arkansas and Help ID this Eagle

    Hi I have a 22.5" eagle with a fully flat back side no markings and looks like sand casting on the back. Just here to ID it and see if it's real.

    09-01-2024, 04:43 AM

    Nahkampfspange in bronze

    Hi Guys,

    This one is on a seller's site that I'm not familiar with (never dealt with). It looks okay aside from missing the catch and back

    09-01-2024, 02:47 AM

    Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz Document.

    Would anyone be able to help tell me where this soldier was hurt? Been having trouble tracking the unit after 1943.

    08-31-2024, 11:21 PM

    Hello everyone. new member, long time collector

    hey Guys. this is Glenn. some of you probably know me from another community. I know I see some familiar names here including Adrian S. Ive been looking

    08-31-2024, 11:27 PM

    Die Erneuerung des Eisernen Kreuzes - (The Renewal of the Iron Cross)

    I don't have the time to fully translate this article dated 4.9.39, so perhaps someone may take it upon themselves to do so, the basic translation of

    08-31-2024, 08:41 PM
    Hunter 98


    I have a question about my Kuban shield is it original and how do you tell the maker

    08-31-2024, 08:33 PM
  • My letter openers


    Thought it was time to post my favourite part of this hobby! I know that not to everyones taste, my mini's/salesman/letter openers are my faviourites the detail on some is amazing!

    The end ones sa and ss are modern miniature custom made from good old USA.

    Comments 9 Comments
    1. Chopperman's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      Chopperman -
      Here are a couple of mine--
    1. Scott875's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      Scott875 -
      Awesome collection ��
    1. Patrick Vallely's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      Patrick Vallely -
      Wow, superb
    1. Nickelilltroll's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      Nickelilltroll -
      Nice collection! Are all original or is someone replica? Asking because I'm quite new in collecting german daggers and bajonett, have got some similar and doesn't know how to find out if they r original or replicas. I got them when my grandfather died.
    1. MDR75's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      MDR75 -
      I'll post some of mine tomorrow.
    1. Clandestineking's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      Clandestineking -
      Very nice great selection
    1. kingtiger's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      kingtiger -
      Interesting. Was he in the war?
    1. Mr Military Guy's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      Mr Military Guy -
      Excellent condition they seem to be in, hopefully all are real and none are reproduction unless you know and wanted a reproduction!

      Unteroffizer Klaus (Liam)
    1. twf's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      twf -
      I have the Luftwaffe one second from left and a Heer sword. Picked them up at an auction years ago in Germany. Your's if the first assembled collection I have seen. Very nice.
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