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    Artillerie Tunic M36, Leutnant Rupert Schrode

    I recently bought this Artillery Tunic by Leutnant Rupert Schrode, it is named in the pocket with his name and Juli 1940, together with it came (sadly

    10-05-2024, 04:04 AM

    General Questions M43

    Hi guys, I'm still on the hunt for a cheap M43 (they apparently dont go together) and have some general questions to help aid my search for authentic

    10-05-2024, 02:10 AM

    5th kresowa infantry division records translation!

    I know my grandfather was in the 5th kresowa infantry division, but I’m trying to figure out more details about exactly what regiment or company he

    10-05-2024, 12:17 AM

    Interesting cigarette case

    Here is a well-worn cigarette case that practically oozes history. An unusual example, this is personalized, having the soldier's name in English, as

    10-05-2024, 01:01 AM

    Named M35 DD Heer - Stalingrad Relic

    Hi all

    Here's my named relic M35 DD with very decent paint and decals for a relic. It's named to "Kimmel" and was found in Stalingrad.

    10-04-2024, 10:09 PM

    Barn Find M35 DD Luftwaffe

    Hi all

    This is my M35 DD Luftwaffe barn find that's almost a "Harvey Dent" helmet from Batman. One side is in very good condition,

    10-04-2024, 09:26 PM
  • NEED HELP: Speer Strasse Street Sign

    Hi. I'm a long-time collector (50+ years), but my expertise does not include German street signs. I have normally avoided street signs, due to the negative publicity regarding the repros out there. However, I took a chance on this one, which came from a well-known collector & dealer. I haven't committed to it yet, so here I am. I will include numerous photos. The dimensions are 27 3/4" x 7 3/4" (approximately).
    On the Plus side: 1) The white enamel is very thick (thicker than I have previously seen on these); 2) The sign is heavy, made out of fairly thick steel; 3) I have seen many Hitler & Goering street signs, but never a Speer sign.
    On the Negative side: 1) I do not recognize the German font/script (it appears to be a combination of Textualis/Textura and Fraktur, but not exact on either; 2) The lengthy history of reproduced street signs makes me uncomfortable regarding ANY enamel signs....
    Opinions on this one would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
    Here are some photos (quite a few):
    Comments 1 Comment
    1. unimoc's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      unimoc -
      ....a trap. It has nothing to do with Albert Speer.
      There are several Speerstraßen in Swizerland and Germany In Swizerland it means a mountain, in Germany are several well known persons with this name ans maybe that some towns honored them with a street name, which is not unusual

      Speer (Familienname) – Wikipedia
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