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    New Member

    Hi there!

    New member based in New England. Would really appreciate some help with identifying a kriegsmarine dagger.


    12-14-2024, 04:04 AM

    NSDAP Desk Eagle - Thoughts?

    Hi Gents and Ladies. I've got an eagle here to share, but I'm not sure exactly what to call this one. Somewhat like a Nürnberg eagle in general shape,

    12-14-2024, 01:53 AM

    Collection of six SS id tags - please tell me your opinion

    Hello everyone,
    I was offered to buy this smal collection of six SS tags.
    Just want to make sure if they are authentic.
    I appreciate

    12-13-2024, 09:33 PM

    Question about Abzeichen Für Blockadebrecher


    I have this Blockade runners badge, I suspect it to be a Fake but I am not 100% sure i have given it the correct diagnosis,

    12-13-2024, 10:29 PM

    Help for cleaning a pair of HEER Officer boots

    Good evening to all members of this great forum....
    Today, I need your help on the maintenance of a pair of HEER Officer boots. I hope I'm in

    12-13-2024, 11:55 PM

    Preußen Pelzmütze Totenkopf Husaren

    Hello everyone,

    I hope i can get some help from you all.

    I've recently purchased this Pelzmutze, Busby. I made a few offers

    12-13-2024, 08:52 PM
  • SA Dagger group markings

    On most SA daggers, two small code letters will be found stamped on the lower reverse crossguards. This represents the SA group to which the daggers original owner belonged. Here is a list of these markings for reference:
    Code SA Group
    A Alpenland
    B Berlin-Brandenburg
    BO Bayerische Ostmark
    Do Donau
    Fr Franken
    Ha Hansa
    He Hessen
    Ho Hochland
    Kp Kurpfalz
    Mi Mitte
    Nm Nordmark
    No Nordsee
    Nrh Niederrhein
    Ns Niedersachsen
    Nw Hilfswerk Nord-West
    Om Ostmark
    Ost Ostland
    P Pommern
    S Schlesien
    Sa Sachsen
    Sm Sudmark
    Su Sudeten
    Sw Sudwest
    Th Thuringen
    W Wachstandarte (Feldherrnhalle)
    Wf Westfalen
    Wm Westmark

    Cheers, Ade.
    This article was originally published in forum thread: SA Dagger group markings started by Adrian Stevenson View original post
    Comments 2 Comments
    1. likelugers2's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      likelugers2 -
      Helpful, thanks!
    1. miller's avatar in War relics WW2 military forums
      miller -
      How do I find out about the Markings on my bayonet I got at a garage sale? Its marked H 52 on the metal sheath and H 18352 on the Handle of the blade
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