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Article about: Greetings from the US, Idaho… Spanning multiple generations; WWII, WWI, Austro Hungarian KUK army… My grandfathers were both in WWII; 100th Geb. Reg. / 5th Geb. Div., and the Schutzpoliz

  1. #1

    Default Greetings…

    Greetings from the US, Idaho…

    Spanning multiple generations; WWII, WWI, Austro Hungarian KUK army… My grandfathers were both in WWII; 100th Geb. Reg. / 5th Geb. Div., and the Schutzpolizei. Over many years I have inherited much of their papers, photographs, medals / awards, and letters. My Gebirgsjager grandfather was an exceptional writer, writing many letters during his time in Greece, the Eastern Front (Leningrad), and Italy. Many of these letter coincide with photos he also took during this time. I am hoping to not only share the information I have gathered over the years, but also gain more information from this community and its experts in this field. I thank you in advance and look forward to sharing and learning.

    Idaho Alex

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  3. #2


    Welcome to the forum Alex!

    Sounds like a very interesting collection. Looking forward to hearing more.


  4. #3


    Hello Alex.

    Welcome to the forum.

    I am looking forward to seeing some of your precious family documents. I have a particular interest in 1. Gebirgs Division which Gibirgsjäger Regiment 100 was part of until autumn 1940.

    Kind regards,



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