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Hello All, I am new to this forum

Article about: Hello everyone, I am from the USA and am looking to learn and make friends and share knowledge on this forum. I have an interest in WW2 german helmets and US M1 painted helmets. Hope to shar

  1. #1

    Default Hello All, I am new to this forum

    Hello everyone,
    I am from the USA and am looking to learn and make friends and share knowledge on this forum. I have an interest in WW2 german helmets and US M1 painted helmets. Hope to share and talk to all of you soon.

    CT, USA

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement Hello All, I am new to this forum
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  3. #2


    Welcome to the forum, East. You'll learn a lot.. I know for a fact that I have!

  4. #3


    Welcome. You can start by showing us something from your collection. Try to stick with one item per post. Looking forward to your participation. Also, be sure to support the site as well. Cheers, Neil

  5. #4


    Welcome my friend, I am a newbie also and I am right up the road in Douglas, Mass.

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