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Hello from Lithuania !

Article about: Hello everyone, I'm ww2 german and soviet gear collector and digger for around 10 years, from Lithuania, would like to see what's going on here, To share my own experience and to take some a

  1. #1

    Default Hello from Lithuania !

    Hello everyone, I'm ww2 german and soviet gear collector and digger for around 10 years, from Lithuania, would like to see what's going on here, To share my own experience and to take some advise from other members.

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement Hello from Lithuania !
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  3. #2


    Hello demag,
    I like the username, Found on some bayonets!

    Welcome to the forum!

    Semper Fi

  4. #3


    Thanks! I use it on other ww2 forums for quite long and already feel like it almost became my second name

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