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Hi and thanks for letting me join

Article about: I have been interested in WW2 stuff for many years, my parents both being veterans. I have a few bits, but have recently been offered an double decal SS M35 helmet, not cheap but not extreme

  1. #1

    Default Hi and thanks for letting me join

    I have been interested in WW2 stuff for many years, my parents both being veterans. I have a few bits, but have recently been offered an double decal SS M35 helmet, not cheap but not extremely expensive either. It has the feel and that smell of age, but gut instinct tells me to seek out more experienced opinions. Guy also has a Dday swastika flag, with a "provenance" but could just be a name picked out and attributed to liberating the flag, but it is moth holed and well as a silver platter from H Gorings wedding and LAH plate in silver etc. The flag and plates I feel comfortable with, but the helmet?. I hope I can learn some more from being on the forum and look forward to being able to post. Thanks

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement Hi and thanks for letting me join
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  3. #2


    Hi there!

    And welcome to the forum.

    Please post photos of the helmet to the SS Helmets Forum with as lots of clear hi res images, especially the decals, of which the guys will need good clear side on photos in order to evaluate the authenticity. You will also want to include the liner and the lot and manufacturers codes to help with the evaluation. Looking forwards to seeing it.


  4. #3


    Hello and welcome to the forum.

    Kind regards,


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