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Hitler Youth Bugle, Value of history.

Article about: Please approve. Interested in information, value and sale of Hitler Youth Bugle. I had it sold via my EBay store but the lovely folks at EBay shut it down mid-sale due to its offensive natur

  1. #1

    Post Hitler Youth Bugle, Value of history.

    Please approve. Interested in information, value and sale of Hitler Youth Bugle. I had it sold via my EBay store but the lovely folks at EBay shut it down mid-sale due to its offensive nature and association with the Nazi party.

    WWII is part of world history and it’s relics tell the story of a world at war. Do I agree with the ideology and actions of Nazi party? I do not. However, Hitlers rise to power, his twisting of propaganda with religion, the power of his words, etc. is now, 75 years after the fact, something to understood. All history needs to be saved regardless what side you support.

    I debated with EBay that genocide is not unique to WWII, to Germany or to the Jewish people. Horrific? Yes, but Unfortunately not an isolated event. I can Buy hundreds of items on EBay, some selling for thousands of dollars, related to Fat Man and Little boy. I guess dropping the Atomic bomb on civilians, not once but twice, is somehow a noble act and the Nazi party were the only evil men in the world.

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    Circuit advertisement Hitler Youth Bugle, Value of history.
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    Please post your bugle in the HJ section of the forum that I have linked below

    We will try to help with information/authentication but as a general guideline we do not provide monetary evaluations. It is heavy subjective
    "Please", Thank You" and proper manners appreciated

    My greatest fear is that one day I will die and my wife will sell my guns for what I told her I paid for them

    "Don't tell me these are investments if you never intend to sell anything" (Quote: Wife)

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