05-30-2019 11:51 AM
Circuit advertisement
Welcome Toppalini,
Until you are approved, we will not be able to see your pictures. If it is a German Award, I recommend you post it in the Awards section for more views.
No worries about not being able to contribute. We are more than happy to help authenticate an item where we can. But you will see, that over time and with study you will learn quickly
"Please", Thank You" and proper manners appreciated
My greatest fear is that one day I will die and my wife will sell my guns for what I told her I paid for them
"Don't tell me these are investments if you never intend to sell anything" (Quote: Wife)
Ok friend. I posted a picture of an estate original PAB.... it's ok if you can't see
I've utilized your lengthy threads and photo examples in the past, don't need to tell me to.
It's a German Award, no point in posting in any section until I am approved.
I appreciate the attention and respect, I am always interested in having a good history conversation.
all opinions are respected by me, whether or not i disagree